Chapter Twenty-Two - Owen

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Disappointment left a bitter taste on my tongue as I stared at the little white stick in my hand. Niko had told us that I wasn't pregnant but I'd bought a test without telling my mates just to be sure. Now I was looking at the result window with a pinched brow trying to will it to change the answer.


I huffed dejectedly and threw the test in the trash on my way out of the bathroom. "Ginny, breakfast," I called out to her on my way to the kitchen. The coffee was already made and I'd set out juice, toast and cereal for her. 

I leaned back against the counter and sipped my coffee. My stomach was still a little tender from the slight case of food poisoning I'd had recently and I hoped never to go through that again. I was so embarrassed that Adrian and Niko had seen me like that but I was also relieved that I hadn't suffered it alone.

Ginny finally emerged dressed for school with her hair tied back in a ponytail and a very light covering of make-up on her face. I narrowed my eyes at the make-up but bit my tongue. At least she wasn't wearing too much like she'd tried to before. 

She sat down and poured cereal into her bowl then poured in the milk until it nearly overflowed. "Mm." She mumbled, crunching on a mouthful. "Can Peter come over later?"

I sighed and placed my coffee mug on the counter beside my hip. "Ginny, we didn't get a chance to talk before I got sick. I know Peter is your mate but-"

"But," she said cutting me off. "I'm only seventeen and he can't claim me until I'm eighteen. He's going to date me, protect me and respect me until I'm old enough to complete the bond." She rolled her eyes. "I've already heard it from Peter."

"Oh. Good!" I was pleasantly surprised to hear what Peter had told her and he earned a little more respect from me. "Yes, he can come over. But you're not going up to your bedroom. Stay where you can be seen."

The doorbell rang and I looked at the clock on the wall. It was too early for most people to be calling and I wasn't expecting anyone anyway.

"That's Peter. He wanted to walk me to school. Don't worry I won't pull him into a hedge on my way there and have sex with him." She pushed in her chair and grabbed a slice of toast from the rack. "Bye." She was gone before I could do more than groan. 

I'd started rinsing my mug in the sink when I heard yelling outside. I dropped it, not caring if it broke and ran to the front door. Pulling it open I stopped to take in the scene in front of me. Peter had Mark by the scruff of his neck shaking him and yelling. Ginny was hitting Mark with her school bag swinging it like a pro-baseball player. "What the heck is going on?" I slammed the door behind me and trotted down the two steps to the front lawn. "Ginny, stop hitting him."

She spun on me, fire spitting from her eyes she was so angry. "He's just lucky I'm not hitting him with anything harder."

"What happened?" I asked Peter since he seemed to be the more calm one of the pair.

"This guy tried to jump me from the bushes as we were walking down the drive. Niko is on his way." Peter kept a hold of Mark even as he tried to move him out of Ginny's reach.

"Why?" I asked.

Peter gave me a look that let me know something was wrong. Something more than what I was seeing. "I need to get Ginny to school. Niko will take care of this."

"Okay," I said warily. Niko turned the corner tucking his shirt into his pants. I smiled at the seam showing that he'd put it on inside out when he'd shifted back and re-dressed. 

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