Chapter Eighteen - Niko

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My trip to the doctor had been humiliating. He'd given out to me for not coming to see him sooner and then told me to drop my pants. The exam was something that I never wanted to go through again but at the end of it I was given a clean bill of health and a lecture about how this didn't mean that I wouldn't get pregnant in the future. I was in no rush to test his theory though. I didn't want to try again yet because I wasn't sure if I could take that loss again.

I left the infirmary and decided to run my patrols in my shifted form. Everything seemed to be fine until I came to a quiet corner near the creek. Emery was yelling at a seemingly calm Casper while the vampire just stood watching him. So I paused for a moment to assure myself that neither one was going to do something stupid.

"I told you, you're wrong. Why won't you let me come with you? I just want a chance to go somewhere new and maybe find my mate. Is that too much to ask?" Emery hissed.

"Yes," Casper replied calmly, almost too calmly.

"Yes I can come or yes that's asking too much?" Emery scratched at the side of his neck and I wondered if Casper had bitten him there.

"I'm not taking you anywhere. There will be too much temptation at the coven for you." Casper turned like he was about to leave but Emery caught him by the bicep and turned him back to look at him.

"There won't be. I'm not a damn slut."

I rolled my eyes and started walking again. Emery was known to chase everyone over the age of consent, male or female. I didn't blame Casper for not wanting to bring that kind of drama back to his coven. There were still times when someone turned up to scream bloody murder at Emery for not calling them back or not showing up for another date after he'd had his way with them. Emery loved the chase but after the capture he lost all interest. I was surprised his behaviour hadn't drawn human attention to the pack yet. 

Everything was quiet except for the sounds of nature as I continued my patrol. There were no unusual or strange scents nearby and nothing seemed out of place so I circled back in the other direction.

On my way home that evening I was three houses down from ours when I noticed Ginny talking to a boy on the sidewalk. I narrowed my eyes recognizing him instantly as the punk kid, Mark. He hadn't been around in over a month but he was obviously back now. Ginny caught sight of me and pushed him in the other direction. He looked up at me and then said something to her in a whisper before running off down the street.

"What's he doing around here?" I asked Ginny when I got closer.

"It's a public street!" She replied tartly.

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't think I do." 

We both stopped walking up the driveway when the door suddenly opened and Adrian came rushing out with his car keys in hand. His eyes were wild and frightened. He seemed surprised to see us both. "I'm sorry, dinner's going to be late unless you want to order in. I don't know how long I'll be." He was already climbing into the drivers seat before he finished talking. 

I ran forward and stopped him from closing the door before asking, "what's wrong? What's going on?"

"Kennedy has gone into early labour but the doctor is trying to stop it. It's way too early for the baby to be born." Adrian sighed and I noticed the shaking of his hands.

"Move over, I'll drive. Are they at the infirmary or did the doctor go to them?" I sat in behind the wheel and shut my door. I heard the echo of another door and looked into the rear-view mirror. Ginny was already snapping her seat belt into place so I started the car.

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