Chapter Ten - Owen

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I had never been so comfortable and warm in my life as I was sandwiched between Niko and Adrian. Since my fever had broken yesterday I was feeling a lot better and I hadn't thrown up in over twenty-four hours. They'd only left my side for food and bathroom breaks. I'd been spoiled with attention and I'd loved it. 

Niko sighed in front of me and his hand flexed on my hip. I looked up into his sleep softened face and watched a small smile appear on his face. He was beyond gorgeous and again I wondered why he wanted to be with me. Niko was anyone's dream come true and I was sure he could have his pick of men. If it wasn't for the mate-pull would he even want to be with me?

A shift behind me had a hot hard shaft pressing up between the cheeks of my bottom and I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning at the pleasant sensation. I was tempted to push back into him but I was afraid that would wake him up and break the spell. Adrian was still holding himself back from claiming us and as much as I wished he could I also understood why he was finding it so hard. He'd lost his last mate and child in a horrific way and he'd been forced to watch their deaths. I couldn't imagine being in that position with either Niko or Adrian and being able to go on. He was much stronger than I was, that was for sure.

With a grunt Adrian's arm came around my chest and pulled me tighter to him. His hips punched forward again and this time I couldn't suppress my moan of pleasure and Niko's eyes shot open at the sound. He took in my flushed cheeks and slightly parted mouth with a look of hunger in his eyes. I started panting at the thought of both my mates taking me, how would we make that work? I'd never been with two guys before but the thought of it was now turning me on.

"Owen," the pained murmur in my ear was said with a sleep roughened voice but a look over my shoulder showed him to be awake. 

"Hi," I said lamely and gave him a shy smile. The smile I got in return was bright and beautiful.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Good. Well enough to do this," I pushed back on him again. I really wished our underwear would magically disappear and we could press together skin to skin.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" He lowered his head and nipped the lobe  of my ear. I gasped and arched my chest out. A mouth latched onto one of my sensitive nipples and I tangled my hand in Niko's hair.

"Yes," I said on a moan. "Oh, yes, yes, yes please." 

And then their hands were on me. I couldn't tell which touch belonged to which hand because I was too caught up in the sensations. It was amazing, like being touched everywhere at once but still needing more. I was rocking between their bodies moaning and begging for more. They hadn't even touched me where I needed it most yet but I was already on the edge. Niko pulled away from me and leaned over me. I heard a moan and rolled onto my back for a better view.

Oh, my, God! Niko and Adrian were kissing. The kind of hot hard kiss that involved open mouths and lots of teeth and tongues. I could have shot right there watching them both go at it, hands clutching at wide muscular shoulders, growling and snarling. It was such a turn on to watch them trying to dominate each other. I kicked off my boxers and wrapped my hand around my painfully hard and throbbing erection and whimpered.

Adrian broke the kiss and looked down at me with a blazing fire of hunger in his eyes. I started panting again from just that one look. Without saying a word he pushed my thighs apart and swallowed my length. "Ugh," I cried out my hands flailing for something to grab onto. Adrian caught my wrist and brought my hand to the back of his head before swallowing around me again. "Adrian," I cried out in warning.

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