Chapter Nineteen - Owen

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I didn't know what to do. Ginny was talking a lot about Mark again during the last few weeks and today she'd been suspended from school for fighting with another girl. Since I'd left the principals office and collected her from the waiting room I'd gotten nothing but attitude from her. She wouldn't answer my questions and when we got home she stomped upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut.

"What was that about? Why's Ginny home." 

I spun around and found Niko behind me. "You scared me! I thought you were working patrols today?"

"I was," he told me. "I have my solo therapy session today though so I finished early for that."

"Oh, God. I completely forgot, I'm sorry." We'd all been in therapy for over a month now and my mates both seemed happier. I had to admit I felt happier too when I wasn't dealing with the teenage dramas of my sister. "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

"No I think you need to stay here. Why's Ginny home early?"

I groaned and collapsed onto an arm chair. "She was fighting with another girl in school. She won't tell me what the fight was about."

"I see," Niko looked thoughtful. "Have you given her a punishment?"

"No. I'm trying to decide what would be the best punishment for this behaviour."

"Maybe a week or two without her phone and laptop? The only thing kids seem to care about now is social media. Take it away as a punishment." He suggested.

"You think that's enough? I don't know how my parents would have handled this. She's never done this before. Do you think I'm doing something wrong?" I felt utterly defeated. I'd thought I was getting somewhere with Ginny but now we were back at the beginning again.

"No. I think you're doing your best. I don't know what happened to send her back to that boy or why she's acting out like she is but I know it's not because you aren't doing the best you can for her." Niko kissed my forehead. "I better get going or I'll be late. I'll be straight home after."

"Okay. See you later." I watched him go and then forced myself go to Ginny's room. "Ginny?" I opened her door and yelled in frustration. "Dammit!"

The bedroom window was open and the pink lace curtain she had hanging over it was billowing in the gentle breeze. The room stood empty and I knew she'd gone out the window.

I spent close to two and a half hours searching for Ginny until Adrian phoned me to tell me she had turned up back at home. I was scared and furious and running through all sorts of scenarios about what could have happened to her, what she was doing. When I got home I yelled at her. 

"What the hell did you think you were doing? Where did you go?"

Ginny sat in the arm chair with her arms crossed over her chest. She wasn't looking at me but her face was red. "I'm not a kid! I can leave the house when I want to!"

"Not when you're grounded!" I yelled again. "You're not leaving this house for at least the next two weeks unless you're with one of us. And I want your phone and laptop. You'll get them back after the two weeks."

Ginny was looking at me now. Her eyes narrowed in anger. "I'm not giving you my phone or my laptop. How are my friends supposed to get in touch with me?" She screeched. "You can't take my stuff, you're not my father!" She stood, shoving me out of her way and left the room. 

I went to follow her so she couldn't sneak out again but Adrian stopped me. "I'll go." He rubbed my arm and followed my sister upstairs.

"You okay?" Niko asked me.

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