Chapter Thirteen - Owen

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I was humming happily as I walked through the supermarket looking for the items I needed for dinner. I had no idea what I was making yet but I was hoping for inspiration to hit from one of the aisles. Maybe if I started at the meat counter, my men were both big meat eaters. I chuckled at that thought and made my way to the back of the store where the meat counter sat.

"Well hello again." 

Kennedy was standing at the meat counter looking at me and I tried my best not to squirm. Any time I'd run into him he'd used the opportunity to remind me that Jacob was his. I may have had an interest in Jacob once upon a time and I may have slept with him, but that was before he'd met Kennedy. I was a poacher and I had two men of my own now. "Hello, Kennedy." 

"Aren't these just adorable?" He held up a tiny pair of yellow shoes that looked like they wouldn't even fit on his finger. "I found them in the baby aisle and I just couldn't resist." 

I looked at him like he'd lost his mind which I was almost certain he had. "Isn't it a little early to be buying baby things?" Wasn't that supposed to be bad luck or something?

"No, not really. Our pregnancies are a lot faster than human ones," he said leaning closer to me to whisper near my ear. "You'll find that out soon enough though," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

A glance at his shopping cart showed a large number of baby clothes, all in neutral colors and a ridiculous amount of milk. My face must have shown my surprise because he answered my unspoken question. "Jacob is making me drink lots of milk. He says the calcium is good for me and the baby, I don't think you're supposed to OD on the stuff though." He shrugged and went back to peering at the different cuts of meat behind the glass counter. "I don't know what I want for dinner."

"Have you started getting cravings yet?" I asked to fill the awkward silence that had fallen. At least, it was awkward for me. Kennedy seemed to be oblivious to it.

"No. I'm hoping I don't crave anything really weird. I had a cousin who would suck on coal." He made a face. "That's just nasty, coal is for burning in the fire not for eating. I don't know if that was even healthy, but the baby was okay despite that."

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "Coal?"

"Uh huh. She's always been a little... different. My father, god damn his black soul, used to say awful things about her. But she wasn't the worst shifter in my old pack. I actually kind of liked her because she was so unique." This was the first time I'd heard Kennedy talk about his father. I remembered watching the men who had taken Jacob captive. That had been the day I'd met my Niko. That was the day my world had changed for the better.

"I'm sorry about your father. I never got a chance to tell you that."

"Thank you, but I grew up knowing what kind of man he was. Nothing he did ever really surprised me. I think he would have left me to fend for myself if he hadn't discovered my power." Kennedy called one of the men manning the counter and asked for a rack of ribs and some beef for roasting. "The ribs will be a nice snack while I make dinner." He explained.

I smiled knowingly. He was definitely having cravings even if he didn't know it. "What do you mean your power?" I asked quietly.

Kennedy took his packages from the man and put them in his cart before replying nonchalantly, "I can freeze and turn back time."

"What?" I said a little too loudly. A few people nearby turned to look at us before continuing whatever they were doing.

"Hush," Kennedy chuckled. "I'm an Omega, there aren't many of us born so we're sought after by packs for many reasons. My father didn't have good intentions, he thought I'd bring him and his pack power, among other things. Every Omega has a different power that's unique to them," he explained.

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