Chapter Twenty-Nine - Owen

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I don't think I'd ever been so excited about a date except maybe the date I'd had with Adrian when we first started dating. I had no idea where my men were bringing me but they'd told me I needed to wear a shirt and tie. I was practically vibrating in the back seat of the car while Adrian and Niko shared secret smiles and looks.

"Are we there yet?" I asked. I rolled my eyes when I realized I sounded like an impatient child.

"Yes," Adrian said surprising me.

"Oh!" I looked out the window as Niko turned into a car park. "Where are we going?" There were no clues outside my window, just the car park and the street.

"It's just across the street," Niko said pointing to one of the lit up buildings facing us. There was a theatre, two restaurants and a cinema in view. I doubted he was pointing to the cinema since I didn't need to dress up to see a movie. 

"The theatre, or one of the restaurants?" I asked. 

Adrian chuckled. "Just get out of the car, gorgeous." He got out and opened my door for me.

"Thank you." I pressed a kiss to his lips and turned to where Niko had come to stand beside us.

"Let's go." Niko offered me his arm and I wove mine through it. Adrian stepped up to my other side and did the same. I smiled happily as I walked across the street with my men. They led me to the classier of the two restaurants and I hesitated. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not used to places like this. What if I use the wrong fork? Or spill my drink?" I worried.

Niko shared a look with Adrian before speaking. "You don't want to eat here?"

"I didn't say that. I know you both wanted to do something nice for me and I appreciate that. I'm just not used to fancy restaurants, that's all. I'm used to McDonald's and IHOP and places like those. I don't want to embarrass either of you."

"You can't embarrass us," Adrian said. "We don't want you to be uncomfortable so if you want to we can just turn around and find a diner or something."

"No!" I rushed to reassure them. "I want a proper date with you both, we can go to a diner anytime. But thank you for offering."

"You're welcome."

We entered the restaurant with me feeling embarrassed at having a mini meltdown outside the door. The man who welcomed us and took Niko's name led us to a table and I noticed that we were getting more than a few looks. Some were looks of appreciation and lust aimed at either or both of my men and some were looks of shock and disgust when people saw that we were holding hands. I didn't know if their issue was that we were gay or that we were a triad. I tried not to care either way but I'd never grown a thick enough skin over the years. The looks and whispers still hurt to some degree, just like they had when I'd first come out and had realised how hateful some people could be.

Adrian tightened his hold on my hand and I looked up at him. "Don't let these people get to you, they're not anyone whose opinion is important to us."

I nodded my head. I knew that, but it still hurt to be judged in one glance. "I know."

"Fuck this!" Niko spun me around and grabbed my shoulders when I thought I was going to fall. "We're not staying here for a bunch of over-paid bigots to sneer at. I wanted to make my mates happy and take them on a proper date, not make them feel like they had something to be ashamed of." He started marching me out of the restaurant with Adrian following behind us.


"No," he said in my ear. "We're going somewhere where we're all comfortable." 

Outside he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and Adrian took my hand again. "There's a diner on the next block that has the best chicken fillet burgers."

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