Chapter Twenty - Adrian

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"I want to have a baby." 

The mouthful of coffee I'd been about to swallow went down my windpipe and I started coughing in an effort to expel it from my lungs. I hadn't seen that statement coming. Especially from Owen.

Niko looked at me with wide eyes and I could see him paling. "As in, you'd have the baby?" Niko clarified while patting me on the back. 

"Yes. I've been thinking about it for a while now and I really want us to have a baby. Ginny's been behaving better than ever and I'm starting to trust her again. There hasn't been any sightings of Mark. The drama seems to be over," he told us.

"Don't speak too soon," I warned. "She is seventeen after all."

"And her hormones are racing," Niko added.

"I want a baby!" Owen repeated louder.

I stretched across the kitchen table and kissed him into silence. "We heard you but I think we need to discuss it before we jump into parenthood. Niko," I turned to our other mate. "Are you ready to try for another baby with us?" 

He looked from me to Owen and back again, I could see that he was processing some very heavy thoughts. "I can't replace one baby with another. You both know that, right?"

"Of course."

"I wouldn't ask that of you."

"Who would be the one to get you pregnant?" he asked. We both turned now to look at Owen.

"Um, well...I thought you could both have sex with me and leave it up to nature to decide. That seems to be the fairest way to do it because I couldn't choose between you. I love you both." He blushed.

"Okay," Niko answered the earlier question. He looked almost scared but the set of his jaw was determined.

"Okay," I agreed. "You realize you'll need to give up work once you start to show and you won't be able to go into town?"

"I'm okay with that. When would you want us to start trying for a baby?" I asked him. 

"Now?" It was voiced as a question rather than an answer. We were alone in the house. Ginny had finally gone back to school and seemed to be behaving herself, but I knew Niko was secretly keeping an eye on her and so was I. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but she'd already let us down once before.

"Okay, why don't you and Niko go on up to the bedroom, I'll be right there once I clear the table," I told them.

When they'd both left the room I linked Niko. ~Keep him busy for a few minutes. I'm going to call Peter to watch over Ginny on her way home.~

~Keep him busy? That won't be a hardship. His mouth is - oh, fuck. I love this mouth.~ Niko moaned through the link.

~That was fast, you just left the kitchen!~

~In. The. Upstairs. Hall~ "Oh, fuck yeah. Baby, if you keep doing that I'll blow before I get in your pretty little ass." I heard Niko say. Then there was the sound of shuffling feet, a chuckle and the sound of a door banging again a wall.

I chuckled and picked up the cordless phone that was hanging by the kitchen door. It rang twice before Peter picked up. "Y'ello?"

"Is that even a word?" I asked him amused.

"Actually it's a combination of two words. Yeah, and hello. So, what's up? I don't usually hear from you so I presume something is wrong," Peter said cutting to the point.

"Not exactly. I wanted to ask you if you could watch someone for me. Owen's sister. She's acted out a little recently but she seems to be behaving at the moment. I want you to make sure she comes straight home from school and doesn't interact with a boy named Mark. You'll know him if you see him, he'll be the one who smells like a joint," I warned him.

"Don't most kids try that shit? How'll I know it's him and not some other kid?"

"He's older than the kids she goes to school with. Too old for her and way too suspicious. I don't trust him." The bed creaked upstairs and I automatically looked up. "I have to go but I'll text you the time she gets out of school and the route she normally takes." I hung up before he could reply and quickly fired off a text to him with all the information he'd need. I was removing my clothes as I climbed the stairs and was naked by the time I joined them on the bed.

Owen's head was thrown back and his lips glistened as he panted in the same rhythm as Niko's hips pumped into him. I took those lips in a possessive kiss, using my tongue to map the warm moist interior. I trailed my hand across his chest and stomach to his hard dick and wrapped my fingers around it. I pulled out of the now sloppy kiss and smiled at him before turning my head to capture Niko's lips in an equally sloppy and hungry kiss.

"Did you too even bother with foreplay?" I grinned. 

"I gave him a blowjob in the hall and he went all caveman on me." Owen sighed blissfully. "It was fucking hot, that's all the foreplay I needed."

"Trust me, it was all I needed too." Niko winked at me and grunted as he thrust hard inside Owen. His eyes were riveted to the point where they were joined and I couldn't deny how hot they looked moving together. "Feels so fucking good bare."

I continued to jack Owen off with one hand while running the other across Niko's back and ass. I could feel the movement of his smooth muscles beneath his hot flesh. He was a living work of art. I nipped at his shoulder with a canine and his hips stuttered before regaining their rhythm. I smiled and moved my lips to the fleshy part of his bicep to nip again. This time I drew a bead of crimson blood. His hips slammed forward and he grunted loudly. "You like that." I told him.

"Y-yeah." The word was a moan.

"Whatever you're doing to him, keep doing it. I swear he's getting bigger inside me." Owen gasped and moaned when I circled the head of his erection. 

"Are you going to come for us?" I asked Owen.

"Mm, yeah. I'm close." His back arched, pushing him down on Niko's dick. I winked at Niko and he gave me smile in reply before surging forward and sinking his canines into Owen's shoulder. Owen howled as his dick exploded in my hand and with a smile of satisfaction I sank my own canines into Niko's shoulder and felt him shatter beneath me.

They both fell back bonelessly onto the bed. Niko pulled Owen into his chest and sigh contentedly. "That was good.  Really fucking good." Niko panted.

"You have ten minutes to recover and then it's my turn." I grinned and slapped Owen lightly on the ass.

"You two are going to kill me. I don't think I have the stamina to keep up with you both." Owen flopped onto his back with a satiated little grin on his face.

"Oh really?" I ran my tongue over the bite mark Niko had just left behind and Owen started to wriggle on the bed. 

"Oh!" He gasped and I knew his dick was already starting to plump up again.

"I think you have more stamina than you realize now that you're mated to two shifters," I told him.

"I think we should test that theory," he pulled me closer and I happily went. Niko moved in behind me and placed a trail of kisses down my trembling spine. I knew he wanted to take me at the same time I took Owen and that was fine with me. 

"Let's make a baby," I told them both. 

"Yes!" Owen tightened his thighs around me and I felt Niko press in closer to cover my back with his sweaty chest. I was never happier than when I was surrounded by my men, wrapped up in them and loving them. This was my heaven.

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