Chapter Sixteen - Owen

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Things had been good between me and my mates over the past few months. Niko was painting a beautiful piece on my living room wall that depicted a meadow I'd never seen, maybe it didn't really exist, but it was breath taking and the summer flowers were in every shade of every color. It wasn't finished yet but it was already the talking point for anyone who came to visit. I was proud to tell them that Niko was the amazing artist behind the work of art.

I'd been to Adrian's house a few times for dinner and Kennedy had been surprisingly nice to me, until recently. His progressing pregnancy was making his moods unpredictable and downright frightening at times. I was still surprised every time I saw him with a protruding rounded belly.  didn't think I'd ever get used to seeing a pregnant man.

That wasn't something I'd have to worry about just yet though. We'd had a close call with that broken condom between Adrian and Niko but Niko had told us he wasn't pregnant and I was sure if he was he'd have started to show by now.

I thought he might be sad about that because two weeks later he'd thrown himself into his work. When he wasn't working his security job he was patrolling or working on his painting. I didn't see as much of him as I'd like but when he was around he was affectionate and caring and I could almost forgive him for being so distant. Adrian was the opposite. He was at my house every chance he got. Today I wanted to ask them both to move in with me. 

Adrian's brother and his mate would be having their baby soon and I was sure Adrian would be happy to move out and give them the space they'd need for their new family. I wasn't sure if Niko would agree to the move, he was unpredictable lately but I was hopeful.

Adrian and I pulled into the pack house and went inside to find Niko. Emery was just going upstairs but he stopped when he saw us. "Hi, guys. Niko is out back with the twins if you're looking for him," he called out before jogging upstairs.

"Thanks," I called back.

We found Niko exactly where Emery said he'd be. He was sitting on a blanket in the grass with the Alpha's twin girls. One was propped up in a colourful stuffed ring playing with colourful toys while her sister sat on Niko's knee listening intently to whatever he was telling her. I couldn't make out his words but Adrian's head was cocked to the side like he was listening.

"What's he saying?" I whispered so I wouldn't disturb the trio.

Adrian looked at me with a slight frown. "I don't know."

My gut told me he wasn't exactly being truthful but I let it drop for now. "Niko," I said letting him know we were here.

Niko turned to us and blushed slightly. "Hi, I didn't know you were coming over." He stood up and propped the little girl he was holding on his hip. We moved toward him and I leaned in for a kiss.

"We wanted to surprise you," Adrian told him with a quirk of one of his eyebrows.

"You certainly did that. Jason is on his way out to take his daughter's." 

"That whole mind talk stuff is awesome. I wish I could do that," I mused.

After Jason packed up the twins and took them inside for their dinner we all sat around the blanket quietly so I decided to get my question out of the way. "I actually wanted to ask you both something important," I said, pausing to watch their reactions. Adrian looked curious but Niko looked almost terrified. "I'd like for you both to move in with Ginny and me. Is that something you'd be interested in doing?" 

I looked from Niko to Adrian and back again just waiting for a reply. "Yes, I'd love to move in with you." Adrian's grin widened and he threw his arms around me in a crushing hug.

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