Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I bolted away from Jackson and into the kitchen, instantly throwing up my entire days’ worth of food into the sink.Since everyone had been watching the TV, thankfully no one saw but Jackson.

Behind me, he was holding my hair back saying things that I couldn’t focus on right now, but were probably supposed to be soothing.Finally, my stomach decided there was nothing left inside it and I could stop puking my guts up.But now my whole body was shaking violently, as if I was in the middle of a blizzard with no clothes on.

“Common, let’s get you to the bathroom,” Jackson said.I looked up to see people were starting to come back in.Of course, they’d probably just think I got too drunk or something, but I still didn’t want to have a big episode like this in front of them.

But when we got a few steps from the bathroom I abruptly stopped.Jackson turned around to give me a questioning look.I shook my head quickly saying, “Too small.”

His face went from questioning to understanding in a second, and instead he started leading back towards the door that led outside.He knew that sometimes I could get Closter phobic.It didn’t always happen, but every once in a while a big crowd or a small room would make me feel like I was cornered in.And right now this house was filled with both.

So Jackson, knowing me better than anyone else, walked me across the back porch and sat me down in the steps, once again wrapping his coat around my shoulders.He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, trying to stop the shaking but it was getting worse.Actually now it felt more like the muscles in my body were being torn apart.I bit down hard in my lip to keep from crying out.

“Should I go get help?” His voice sounded strained and confused, obviously he had no idea what was going on with me either.

I shook my head quickly.For some reason, I knew I couldn’t let anyone else see me right now.Actually, there was a small part of me wanting Jackson to not see , this either, but the scared part that wanted him by my side was bigger.

“Okay, we’ll just wait it out, alright?”

I was about to nod my agreement, but just then a spasm went through my whole body and a loud crack filled the air.It made me jerk forward and groan in pain.

“Holy sh*t,” I heard Jackson say, but didn’t have time to focus on him.I no longer had control of my body and it was making more popping sounds.Every muscle in my body felt like it had been set on fire.

And yet I wanted to get up and move.Sitting on this step wasn’t where I was supposed to be, and a little voice in my head was telling me to stand up and walk forward.For some stupid reason I tried to follow that little voice, but only ended up on the ground on my hands and knees.

“Riley, something is really wrong.We need to get some help.” His voice sounded urgent, but once again I shook my head.

“No,” I managed to gasp out.

“Riley,” he began again but another spasm hit my body, making me cry out in pain an dig my nails into the ground.

Jackson swore again.“I’m calling 911.”

I wanted to tell him no again, but no sound came out.I tried again and the only thing that happened was a strange gurgling noise. Sh*t, I thought.That can’t be good.

Jackson was now looking down at his phone, so I don’t know if he saw what happened next.I sure hope he didn’t.

My whole body jerked again but this time it was as if every bone, muscle, and any other part of my body had been torn to shreds.I wanted to cry out in pain, but nothing came out.

Actually, no.Something did come out, but it was more like a high pitched yelp than a cry of pain.Jackson dropped his phone in surprise from the sound and looked over at me.

I looked back at him, my body normal again.Well, actually, it felt better than normal.How strange is that?

But nothing could compare with the look on Jackson’s face.It was one of pure shock, with his eyes as big as they can go and his practically hitting the ground.

Okay.Not exactly what I was expecting.I tried to give him a questioning look, but I felt like it came out wrong.However, it did get him to wipe the look of shock off his face.“Holy sh*t,” he said for the second time tonight.

It was odd, hearing his swear so much because he never really swore, and it made me want to laugh.Except when I tried to laugh a weird, almost bark sounding-like noise came out of my mouth.

Okay... that was weird.Jackson was still giving me a wary look, and it was obvious he had no idea what was going on or what to do.

“R-Riley?” He asks, barely managing to get it out.

I wanted to say, “Duh, it’s me Riley,” but nothing came out when I opened my mouth.Okay, still weird.Something was obviously wrong with me.

I stood up wanting to make sure I didn’t have any broken bones because I could swear I felt at least a few break in the last couple minutes.But when I stood up something was off, I still felt so low to the ground.

Maybe my legs got chopped off, I thought stupidly.

But when I looked down, I thankfully didn’t see that my legs got chopped off.Though I don’t know if what I did see what any better.

I no longer had two legs, but four.And they were covered in fur.

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