Chapter 25

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Yayy prom :]  I can't put up the picture of her dress now because i have to go do a ton of hw and write my NHS essay.  Bleh. I hate school.

Chapter 25

Mel and I spent the whole day getting ready at my house.  She did my hair and make-up before doing her own.  Then we both got our dresses on and I had to admit, we looked amazing.

When I finally allowed Jackson over, as soon as he said, “You look so beautiful Riley.”  Then he kissed me softly.

Mel cleared her throat, but only jokingly. 

“So the limo is going to pick us up at Ryan’s, so do you want to head over now?” Mel asked.

“Yeah, let’s head out,” I said smiling.  Tonight would be perfect, I just knew it.

Jackson and I had been dancing all night, but my legs still weren’t tired.  The last song had song had just ended and Jackson kissed me softly on the lips.  Then he whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

I was about to reply that I loved him too, but a new song started and my jaw dropped.

Jackson laughed at my reaction.  “Did you request this?” I asked him in shock.

“Sorry, but I had to,” he said, still laughing.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I listened to the beginning of the song “She Wolf” by Shakira.

But then I just smiled evilly at him and he stopped laughing, giving me an unsure look.  “What are you thinking?” he asked warily.

I just kept smiling and then started dancing.

Sure, 5 months ago I never would have danced like that. For one thing, I wouldn’t have had the nerve to do it, but I also wouldn’t have been able to do it.  But now, well I looked hot and I had the courage to do it, so it did it.

I danced, and I had to admit I might have looked a little slutty.  But Jackson loved it, that’s for sure.

By the end we were both laughing hysterically, and I was getting a few dirty looks form some of the other girls.

“Alright, last song of the night people,” the DJ called out.

I rested my cheek on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his neck.  The song “I Love You This Big” by Scotty McCreery started  playing and the whole room was filled with couples slow dancing. 

“You look beautiful,” Jackson whispered in my ear.

I smiled up at him.  “I think you’ve already said that tonight.”

“Mm, well I must be having amnesia because every time I look at you you’re more beautiful than I remembered.”

I shook my head and laughed.  For the first time in months I felt calm and happy, not worrying about the world around me.  For tonight, all that mattered was that I was in his arms.

These past months had been so hard and stressful on me.  There had been times when I felt like my whole world was crashing down and I just couldn’t take it anymore.  But every time I would feel like this Jackson had been there for me, holding me up and making sure I didn’t fall.

He was such an amazing man, and sometimes I felt like I didn’t deserve him.  But he didn’t seem to think so and I was forever grateful for that.  I needed him in my life now more than ever and I don’t know what I would do if I lost him.  He meant everything to me now.

I know that sounds all gushy and lovey-dovey but it’s true.  I was realizing now that I really was in love with him.  And I wanted him, all of him.

When the song ended there was an announcement saying that prom was over and thanking everyone for coming.  Jackson and I walked outside hand in hand.  My new realization didn’t make me scared, but extremely happy.  As we got in my car and headed towards my house, I   could feel my heart beat pick up in anticipation.

When we got to my house I turned to face him.  “Spend the night with me?”

“Of course,” he said with a smile.

Once out of the car I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside and up to my room. 

When we were both in there I looked up at him, and for a few moments we just looked into each other’s eyes.  In his I could see the love he had for me and the happiness he felt that I was with him.  I’m not sure of everything he would see in my own eyes, but I did know he would see the love I felt for him reflected in my eyes as well.

“Kiss me,” I whispered.

He didn’t hesitate.  His lips touched mine, soft and gentle, as if he thought I would break.

I liked this nice kiss, but all it did was leave me wanting more.  So I put my hands on his jacked and pulled him closer to me.  He seemed to get what I wanted and we both opened our mouths, deepening the kiss.

I don’t know how long we kissed like that for, but when we both pulled back breathless, my whole body was left wanting even more.  So I pushed his jacket over his shoulders and it hit the ground.  Then I started undoing the buttons of his shirt.

Jackson seemed to be as eager as I was and he started walking backwards to the bed, slowly so we didn’t trip on all the random objects lying on my floor.  By the time we got to the bed all the buttons on his shirt were undone and I happily pulled it off him.  His hands moved from my waist up my back until they were at the zipper of my dress.

He hesitated for a moment, probably giving me a chance to back out if I wanted to, but I didn’t.  So then, faster than I thought possible, he had the dress unzipped and on the floor leaving me in my lacey bra and underwear.

“I thought you liked that dress?” I whispered, more than a little breathless.

He smiled as he pushed me back so I was lying on the bed with him on top of me.  “I did.  I just like it better off of you.”

I smiled against his lips, then he moved his lips from mine to travel across my jaw and then down my neck.  My body was burning with need and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I gave in to him.  But first I needed to tell him what I had realized earlier.

I rolled us so that I was on top of him and I saw that he had a playful smirk on his face.

“Jackson,” I whispered, about to tell him just how much he meant to me and that I was in love with him.

But then the door to my room came crashing open.  Before I could even move off of Jackson I heard a soft click and then something piercing my back.  As I felt liquid seep into my body from where I was hit I knew that it was needle in my back.  I gasped, not expecting the pain that surged through my body as the liquid pulsed with my blood throughout by body.

“Riley!” I heard Jackson say, but I couldn’t reply.  My vision was going black and within 5 seconds I passed out.

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