Chapter 33

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So close to being done!!! I have this chapter and then... probably one more! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I tried to make it slightly longer than usual :]

Chapter 33

My five rescue wolves all got up and headed outside, while I just sat on the couch with a somewhat panic stricken look on my face I’m sure.

Charlie turned back once he got to the door to see that I was still sitting on the couch.  “Come on Riley!”  he said with what I am now thinking is a permanent smile on his face. 

I wanted to go with them and meet my father.  I did.  But right now, my nerves were running wild and I felt like at any moment I might puke p whatever food was left in my system.

Charlie registered the look on my face and walked back up to me.  He knelt down in front of me so that we were eye to eye.  His eyes were playful, just like his smile.  “When he first found out you existed, he sent the five of us out here without hesitation.  He didn’t even know that you were in trouble, he just sent us out because he didn’t want you to have to do with being a shifter alone for one more second than needed.  He already loves you, and I promise he’s a great guy.  Give him a change, okay?”

I took in a deep breath and nodded my head.  Charlie’s smile widened and he took my hand to lead my outside.  Once we passed through the door I saw a completely black SUV pull up to the end of the driveway.  Christopher was at the driver’s door immediately, and when it opened up I saw him talk to the man inside.

I felt my heart beat increase like crazy and Charlie must have heard it too.  He squeezed my hand in reassurance and said, “It’s okay Riley, don’t be nervous.  He doesn’t bite, I promise.”

“Well, I don’t’ bite family at least.  Evil b*stards who try to hurt my daughter, well that’s a whole other story.”  The voice was deep and filled with power, making my eyes snap up.

What I saw was a man probably in his early forties with semi-curly black hair and of course, those green eyes with yellow tints that were just like my own, and like Christopher and Charlie’s eyes.  It wasn’t hard to tell we were all related.

The man smiled brightly at me, showing off his perfect set of white teeth and I couldn’t help but smile, a little shyly, back.

“Riley,” he whispered.  Then, before I even really saw him move he was in front of me giving me a hug.  I froze at first, not used to anyone but my best friends and mom touching me, but then I relaxed when I realized this was my family now too.  I wrapped my own arms around his back and realized even at my 5’11” height, he was at least 7 inches taller than me.

He pulled back to look at my face, especially my eyes.  “Good to know you got the trademark Fuller eyes.”

I raised an eyebrow, Fuller?  He laughed.  “Yup, meet the Fuller family.”

Charlie joined in on our hug then coming from behind without notice and practically pushing all three of us to the ground.  “But this isn’t it either!  We’ve got even more at home.”

Christopher just laughed from beside us.  “As much as I enjoy a little family reunion, we’ve got a few problems to handle before we can meet the rest of the family.”

My father, who I remembered was named Mark, pulled away with a nod.  “Of course.  Would you fill me in?  I only know about someone named Carter kidnapped Riley and her two friends, and he’s been taken care of.  I’d like details now though, and the current stand on the situation and on the Alpha of the pack.”

“Well that’s easy,” Charlie said happily.  “It’s our new sis Riley.  Already following in the family tradition,” he said shaking his head mockingly.

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