Chapter 27

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So I know this might not be exactly the kind of chapter you were hoping for... but it needs to be put in before anything else happens in the story. Hope you still like it!

I'd also like to say thank to everyone who is reading this story!  I love your comments and seeing the votes, it makes my day :[  Keep it up!

Chapter 27

Mark was tired.

He was tired of traveling.  He was tired of dealing with other people's problem.  And most of all, he was tired of being alpha.

It seemed like August couldn't come quickly enough.  He couldn’t wait till he was shed of all this responsibility...

His attention was caught by the voice of a woman about 20 feet to his right.

"Hi Riley, this is Mom.  I hope everything is going great and you have fun at prom.  I love you, bye."

That voice... It couldn't be.

But before he turned to face the voice, he knew it was her.  He would never forget that beautiful voice.


The woman turned around slowly, as if knowing who she was going to see when she was fully turned.

When their eyes met, Mark couldn't help the wide smile that crossed his features, and a twinkle came into his eyes that hadn’t been there for over 16 years.

"Mark," she said in a soft whisper, but of course he heard her.

She hadn't moved towards him, so he quickly walked over to her.  Before she could even react he threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly to him.  He breathed in her unique scent.

Yes, this was her.  This was his mate.  The one he was made for.

Catherine hugged him back, loving the feel of his body against hers again.  She's missed him so much...

Mark reluctantly pulled back.  He looked at her face, taking in every detail and committing it to memory.  The long black hair that he had loved to run his hands through had been cut short to shoulder length, but it was a good look on her.  And even though she had aged a little since the last time he'd seen her, she still looked just as beautiful as ever. 

"What-" Catherine started to say, but it came out more like a hoarse whisper so she cleared her throat and tried again.  "What are you doing here?" she asked, this time her voice clearer and stronger.

"I've been on business, I'm headed home now."

She nodded her head slightly, but couldn't seem to make herself to do much more.  They were standing so close, she couldn't concentrate.

Mark seemed to notice so he took a small step back, though still keeping his hands on her shoulders.

For what seemed forever they just stared into each other's eyes, each with a small smile on their faces.

It wasn't until someone accidentally ran into Catherine that the two seemed to remember they were in an airport.

Mark cleared his throat, trying to gain control of his feelings, though not really succeeding.

"Want to go get a coffee?" he offered.

Catherine paused for a moment, wondering if she could really let herself get close to him again.  But she also knew there was no way she could just turn around and pretend she hadn't seen him today, so she just nodded her head.

They walked over to a small coffee stand and ordered.  Once they both had their drinks they walked over to a table in the food court area.

"So how are Christopher and Charlie?" she asked once they sat down.

"Good," he said with a smile.  "Christopher is in his third year of college.  He wanted to be a doctor when he's older.  Charlie's in his first year of college, though I still don't think he knows what he's going to be doing.  And what about you? How have you and John been?"

At the mention of John's name she looked away from Mark, but not before he saw the sadness there.  He wanted to ask what it was about, but waited for her to say something first.

After a few moments of silence she said in a quiet voice, "He died 11 years ago.  From cancer."

Mark didn't know how to take this news.  11 years ago.  Mark had still been single at the time.  He'd still been misleading himself into thinking she'd come back to him one day.  He’d still been waiting for her.

As if reading his thoughts Catherine said, “I couldn’t do that.  I couldn’t just leave and move on to a whole other life with another man.   I couldn’t do that to him.”

Mark nodded his head slowly.  In a way, he understood, but in another way he was angry.  All those years, he could have been happy.  Truly happy.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, sounding close to tears.

Instead of answering Mark said in an unemotional voice, “I remarried 6 years ago.”

At this, Catherine’s eyes filled with tears, but she didn’t let them fall.  She probably deserved this.  She had refused to go back to him.  Did she really expect him to spend the rest of his life waiting for her?

For a while, neither one said anything.  They were both lost in thoughts of “What if’s.”

Then Mark seemed to remember the message she had left on the phone earlier.

“Who were you on the phone with before?”

Her eyes widened as she remembered the phone call.  She had called her daughter, Riley, but no one had answered the phone so she had left a message.  But Mark couldn’t find out about Riley.

“No one,” she said a bit too quickly.

But Mark remembered every word she had said into the phone.  Hey Riley, this is Mom.

She had a child.  And since the last time they had seen each other had been about 17 years ago… that meant that this child was over 16 years over age.

 “Tell me the truth Catherine,” he said in hard voice.

Catherine was shocked by his tone of voice, but couldn’t seem to not answer him.  “My daughter… but before you jump to conclusions, she’s John’s daughter.”

“No, she’s not,” Mark said shaking his head, “and you know it.”

Mark’s face seemed to be wiped of any expression.  “Do you still live in the same place in New York?”

“You’re not seeing her Mark,” she said in a low voice.

“I need to see her Catherine, an you can’t stop me.  So, tell me.  Do you still live New York?”

She sat there looking shocked at him.  Mark hated to see her like that, but he needed answers. 

“Y-yes” she stuttered out.

He gave a sharp nod of his head and then pulled out his cell phone, dialing quickly.

“Hello?” a voice on the other side of phone said.

“I need you to take a group up to New York.  Bring Christopher and Charlie with you.  I’ll send you the address.”

“Yes Alpha,” the voice answered immediately.

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