Chapter 12

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Yay!! Midterms are Over!!! Now I just have t otake a regents on Tuesday... blehh.  But you guys better be happy with me! This is the laters I've stayed up in months, and just to write you guys a chapter!

So this is by far my favorite chapter of this story so far.  It make me cry, lauagh, and go "aww" and I'm the one who wrote it!  I hope it does the same for all of you, and I would really love if you would comment and vote for this chapter, it would mean a lot to me!

Okay, so this first part is a dream, you’ll see when it changes back into reality :]

Chapter 12

I lay curled up by my daddy, trying my hardest to keep the feeling of his arms being wrapped around me engrained in my mind.

Although mommy or daddy would never say so, I knew it was coming soon.  Daddy had been sick for as long as I could remember, but these last few weeks were different.  He was more tired, and more… well, just more sick than usual. 

But I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want to see mommy cry any more than she already did.  Not that she let me see her cry, but I knew she did.  I could hear her after I would go to bed and she thought I was asleep.

I few tears fells down my cheeks and I reminded myself quickly to stop crying so daddy wouldn’t see.  He hated it when I cried.

The TV was on, but I wasn’t paying attention.  The beeping that showed my daddy’s hear beat echoed in my mind, blocking all other sound out.  I was waiting for it to slow down just a litter, or just miss one beat, praying that it wouldn’t, but knowing that it would.

For an hour I lay there, listening to the steady beeping of his heart, until finally he moved so that we were facing each other.  His face was thin and sunken in, but that didn’t mean I didn’t still think he was the handsomest man in the world.  He always would be to me.

“I love you daddy,” I said as I squeezed my arms around his neck, never wanting to let go.

“I love you too sweetheart,” he said in his rough, weak voice.  Then he added, “You know that right?”

I nodded my head as tears ran down my cheeks, too late for me to stop them.  He picked up his hand, the one not connected to wires and tubes, and wiped the tears away.

“Always remember that, okay?  There’ll be times when you’re really angry, or really mad.  But in those moments, just remember how much I love you, and how much happiness you brought me in just 5 short years.”

The tears came faster now.  “Don’t say good-bye yet daddy.  Please don’t say good-bye yet,” I sobbed.

“Shhh,” he whispered as he pulled my head to his chest.  “I’m not saying good-bye Riley, I just wanted to tell you that.”

Ten minutes later mommy came in and told me I should go home and play with Jackson for a little while.  I shook my head vehemently.

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