Chapter 8

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Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been weeks since I've uploaded on this! I wanted to finish up my other story "It's not that easy" before I wrote anymore on this. So now that I've finished it, I'm back to working on this one! Are you happy? I am! I've missed writing it! (I did like writing my other one, too, of course, but I was excited about finished it...I feel accomplished! Lol.) 

So yeah. Life's stilll crazy busy! I'm sure you know how that goes though. Once school starts back it's like everything just goes to utter chaos! And on top of being busy with school, I've been spending all my time with my best friend. She's leaving for college next week :'( so we've been hanging out as much as possible! We actually went out for the day yesterday to celebrate my birthday. (Whoop-whoop! Seventeen on Sunday, the 14th! Yayyy!) Lol :)

Anyways. That's enough of my random ramblings for now! Here's Chapter 8!

                                      ~Dani :)

Katy's POV

I will never forget that night of my honeymoon. I had no clue what to expect, and what Jordan expected of me. We had been in the limo, watching movies (lame, I know) for a few hours when I realized that we should have already been at a hotel. But Jordan had planned the entire honeymoon and I knew nothing about it.

"So where are we going?" I asked, re-arranging my poofy dress to make it more comfortable.

Jordan winked. "It's a surprise," he told me.

"But, but, but," I pretended to whine. Jordan laughed at my pitiful-ness. "Please?" I asked. I stuck my lip out as though I were a pouting two year old.

"Fine," he said. "Barbados."

"Huh?" I said.

"Barbados," Jordan repeated with a smile. "As in the Caribbean Island of Barbados."

"Are you serious!?" I squealed. "Really?"

"Dead serious," he replied. I threw my arms around his neck in gratitude. I planted a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. Jordan looked surprised, but happy, about my random display of affection. I blushed, but the perky smile remained on my face. "We're staying at The Crane for a week."

"What's that?" I asked. I was so excited. I loved the beach as it was, but going to a beach in the Caribbean Islands was even more thrilling! And the way Jordan said "The Crane" sounded like it was a very nice, upscale hotel.

 Jordan looked pleased about my excitement. But really, who can blame me for being thrilled? Who wouldn't want to stay in the Caribbean? It had been one of my lifelong dreams. "Well," he said, drawing my back to reality. "It's a nice resort right on the water, and I've heard nothing but good about it. It's supposed to be one of the best."

"I am so excited!" I said. Then I realized that if I had to travel in my wedding gown, we were going to be having some serious issues. "Except for one thing."

"And what's that?" Jordan asked. 

"I can't wear this the whole time. And my suitcase is...I don't know where it is. Jamie took it from me," I said.

"It's at the airport already," he said. "Don't worry. Jamie helped me plan all this. She packed you a small seperate bag for you to change into something different. And I really hope you're okay with flying through the night."

"That's totally fine!" I said. I noticed the small duffel bag at the other end of the limo. I assumed that must've been what Jordan was talking about. "Is that my stuff?" 

"Yeah, I think so. Hey if you wanna change before we get to the airport, I'll turn around or something if that'll make you more comfortable," Jordan offered.

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind? 'Cause this dress really isn't the most comfortable thing in the world," I responded.

"No really. Go ahead," Jordan said. "Oh wait, I'll get your bag for you." With that, my handsome, gentlemanly husband--wow, it felt strange to say that--slid across the seats and tossed me my bag. "My eyes are now closed."

Dang, he is so polite. How is one guy so amazingly perfect? I mean, really. All this good--ness shouldn't be able to be compacted into one person! Wow!

I pulled a white cotton dress out of the bag, as well as a pair of comfortable Old Navy flip flops. I kicked off the heeled sandals I had worn for the wedding. But one of the sandals didn't land on the ground--it flew through the limo and conked Jordan on the side of his head. "Ouch!" he muttered. "Was that really necessary, Katy?"

At first I thought Jordan really was irritated with me, but when I looked at him, he had a slight smile on his face. "Sorry!" I said. "Didn't mean to do that. Honest."

"Sure, sure," he said teasingly. "The life insurance policy isn't quite worth killing me over, wife."

I blushed as I smiled. But Jordan couldn't see me since he still had his eyes closed, just like he had promised. "Aww, dang," I said, teasing him right back. "Then all this was for nothing."

Jordan's eyes popped open and he raised one eyebrow at me. "Katydid, you amuse me," he said. He winked at me. "Now would you get dressed, please? I'm tired of closing my eyes."

I grabbed the item closest to me, which just so happened to be my garter--talk about awkward--and shot it at him. "Shut up," I muttered with a smile. "Close your eyes."

Jordan huffed playfully. "Fine."

I reached back, trying to find the zipper on my dress. "Oomph!" I said. I had contorted my body at such a crazy angle in an attempt to unzip my elegant wedding gown, that when the limo driver took a curve, I toppled off the seat.

"Katy?" Jordan said. He sounded alarmed. "You okay?"

I fought around the toile and satin that was surrounding me. All I could see where heaps of white, covering me at every angle. "Actually," I said. "If you wouldn't mind helping me, I would love you forever."

Next thing I knew, Jordan had fought through the layers of fabric and was holding his hand out to me. "Thanks!" I said. We laughed together. "That was interesting."

"Very," Jordan agreed. He started to scoot back to where he had been sitting, but I tugged on his hand to stop him. 

"Would you do me a huge favor?" I asked. 

"Sure, what's that?" Jordan said.

"Can you unzip me some please?" I said. "I can't reach high enough to get it started." To make my point, I attempted to reach around my back for the zipper, and fell a few centimeters short of where my hand needed to be.

"Yeah. Turn around," he said.

I felt Jordan's hand brush against me. His hand was warm against the cool skin on my back. I felt him start to tug on the zipper. As he did, his hand came into contact with my back, sending a chill down my spine.

Whoa! What was that?

I turned to Jordan to see if he had felt the same electric charge that I had. He appeared to be somewhat dazed, too. 

I was turned to face him, my nose just a few inches from his. Slowly, we both leaned forward....

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