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Katy's POV

It has been a two years since that night when I tried to leave. And after Jordan convinced me to stay, the idea of leaving never crossed my mind again. I had a husband who I loved and who loved me just the way that I was. Who would want anything any different than that? I couldn't ask for more.

A lot has happened in those years since. Sadly, Khiana, God bless her, went off the deep end after she had the baby--partying, drinking, and all that stuff. In one of her sober moments though, as she slid off her pedestal of fame, she realized she was unfit to be a mother, and gave up her beautiful little boy for adoption.

Carter and Layton got married a year ago, and they both live in Africa as missionaries. We couldn't be happier for them! Carter is better than ever and head over heels in love with his wife!

Jamie is off at school, majoring in neurology and loving every second of her classes and college life. As of right now, she has a steady boyfriend, but neither of them are rushing things.

Josie met a nice guy named Dan and has been dating him seriously for about six months. Actually, I'm pretty sure he has already bought a ring. Jordan and I are just waiting to get the call from them about their engagement.

 Mom and Dad are actually doing better. Mom went to rehab for six months and has been clean for three months now. Dad took some anger management classes and is handling himself quite well. They live in an apartment in town, and we see them once every few weeks.

As for Jordan and I...I don't see how life could get any better for the two of us. Jordan's business is thriving and he loves what he does. I'm almost finished with school, but I don't think I'll be getting a job any time soon...I'm too busy being a mother.

Yep, you heard right. A mother.

Remember I said Khiana gave up her little boy for adoption? Jordan and I are the blessed adoptive parents of that little boy, Marshall Trey Hall. He has brought so much joy to our lives and like I said, we couldn't be happier! 

Like I said, a lot has changed, but it's all been for the good. It looks like I got my own happily-ever-after, like I had always dreamed about.


Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry it took me this long to get back to this story. :( I've missed it. And now that it's back, I can't believe it's really over. I've really enjoyed writing this--I feel like I know these characters now! Haha. But thanks for reading! I appreciate your support VERY much!

I will be working on a new story now...as of right now the title is "Coming Together", so check it out, and I will be working on it as time permits!

Thank ya'll so much!!!!

~D :)

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