We Fit Like That (Chapter 19)

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-Tiffany POV-

We were summoned to the Watchtower for questioning after the conversation i had with Jaime at the dock. Inside the room Aqualad, Miss. Martin and Blue Beetle was already there. We were in the room where the alien was staying in its cage. It watched us with hungry eyes, but couldn't break through if it tried.

"Let's get right to it. Firestorm, explain please." I took a deep breath and began to explain what happen eariler today.

"Did the heat of the alien feel different?" I walked over to the cage, took of my gloves and placed my hand onto the glass. I concentrated on the alien as i tried to feel its heat signals. I put my gloves back on and nodded.

"From what i can feel through the glass, its body heat is high, so i'm assuming it has come from a cold planet?" Aqualad nodded and pulled up a picture of a planet that was completely white. The name of the planet was unpronouncable to me, but i didn't want to sound stupid by asking what planet it was. Aqualad and Miss.Martin nodded at each other like they were agreeing, leaveing Blue and I clueless.

"You may leave now Firestorm and Blue Beetle. You had just help up what planet they are from. Thank you." I nodded and walked to the garden, followed by Jaime. I walked over to the hologram of Wally West, the original Kid Flash and stared at it. Blue walked up to me and said, "I was there when he... passed. The scarab told me."

"I have a question. I always see M'gann, Conner, Artemis and Kal'dron. But not Nightwing... where is he?" He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure what to say. "I think.. he went solo for a bit when Wally died, but comes around sometimes, like when you joined the team. Then Artemis became Tigress, and Bart carried on the Kid Flash legend and became Kid Flash. But he's still Impluse to some of us."

I looked behind me and saw Artemis talking to Zatanna, laughing about something. She seemed happy, but i knew deep down, she was still sad about Wally. Who wouldn't be?

"Good job on helping them find the planet..." I was snapped back to Jaime. "Oh yeah! I didn't think I would be the one who would find out." He grinned as we walked back to the Zeta Tubes. "Well you did, essa. That means the closer you are to your... quest."

2:00 am

I laid in my bed trying to get comfortable, but all i can hear was the sound of M'gann and Artemis soft snores. Artemis seemed to stay here more and more, instead of staying at her house in Palo Alto. The house she shared with Wally.

I sighed, climbed out of bed and pulled out the pack of cigarettes i hid in my bag. I took one out and walked onto the balcony. I lit it up with my finger and inhaled the smoke, the taste of tobacco lingering in my mouth. I exhaled and watch as the smoke swirled around in the wind and vanished into the air, calming me down the way cigarettes do.

-Jaime POV-

I laid in bed staring at the dust particles floating around the room. Gar made me a bed on his floor next to his bed. I listen to him as he breathed in and out, in and out, hoping it will help me fall asleep. It didn't. I couldn't stop thinking about the alien egg and the conversion I had with Tiffany.

I carefully stood up trying my best to not wake up Gar as i got up from my bed. I softly hopped over the pillows and stuff laying around his room and slowly opened the door.

I closed the door softly behind me, trying not to make it creak. I walked down the hallway and can hear everyone's snores from the thin doors. I made my way to the end of the hall to Tiffany's room, faint light coming from the crack of the door. She was still awake.

I walked in to see her once again on the balcony, smoking. But this time I can smell the faint scent of tobacco in the air. Cigarettes.

"I only smoke when I'm uncertain about my emotions. Other than that, I don't touch a single cigarette." She said without even looking at who was at the door. She pushed the cigarette down in the ash tray and took out her pen instead.

"I understand." I walked over to her and once again watched her puff out smoke, this time it smelt like flowers.

"Can't sleep either?" She asked. "It hard to sleep when all I hear is Bart snoring next door and listen to Gar sleep talk." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed and tried to inhale the pen. She narrowed her eyes, looking disappointed as she threw the pen in her room.

"Empty. Just like my life." I looked at her and for a moment, her eyes were filled with sadness. I didn't know what to do or say.

Instead I took her hand, which was surprisingly cold and told her, "Well if it makes you feel any better, you look pretty. Even at 2:00 in the morning." It was true. Her long hair was pulled into a bun, little pieces of hairs falling in her face. She was wearing black legging and maroon loose fitting shirt. She was breath taking.

She snorted probably thinking I was joking, but as she looked at my face that was as serious as it can be, she looked surprised, "Wait... it's 2 am!!" I raised my eyebrow as she laughed and pulled me inside. "I'm just joking! Thank you, Jaime." she said as she kissed my cheek, making me blush, "That's sweet of you, love."

We both laid down on her bed, listening to the sounds around us. We can heard the sound of Connor snoring, Gar hitting his tail on the wall as he dreamed and even the T.V which Mal most likely left on again.

We held hands and I couldn't help notice on how cold she was. "You know, for someone who has fire going through out her body, you are really cold."

She pressed her hand on my face and smirked. "Huh. Well you're really warm so I guess we just work out, huh?" I thought about it. "You know, we are really different... and I like that." She grinned at me and laid her head onto my chest. "Yeah. You are so laid back, open and just pretty chill. That sort of thing and me..." she trailed off thinking about what to say. So I said it for her.

"You're dangerous, rebellious, mysterious and aggressive. We are polar opposite, but we fit like that. We always have." I ran my finger through her hair, twirling it around my fingers. She laid there in silence, looking at the wall.

"Because we fit... you're going to help me when all of this other stuff fade right?" She asked sitting up looking at me to answer. I positioned myself so I was face to face with her.

"Yeah, because this is something you should know and I'm here for you. Like how you're here for me." She face lit up with happiness as she heard me say that.

I grinned and pull her arms so that she was laying on me. Her hair had fallen out of her bun and was all pushed to one side. We were nose to nose, inches apart. She kissed me on my lips, soft and slow as she put her hand on the side on my face. I did the same to her, one hand stroking her face, kissing her back.

She pulled away slightly, whispering to me, "I think... you should sleep here and make sure I don't get cold..." I kissed her and whispered, "I didn't feel like going back to Gar's room anyway." She smiled and laid her head on my chest once again, one arm across her body.

I wrapped my arm around her stomach and intertwine my fingers with hers. I can feel her breathe, in and out, inhale, exhale. I watched her as her eyes slowly began to drift off until they closed all the way. Before i knew it, my eyes began to grow heavy, falling asleep to us breathing in unison, arms wrapped around each other sound asleep.


I think this one was cute. Theire relationship is suppose to be laid back. That they're always there for each other and they're best friends, you know? Comment or vote if you enjoyed it! Follow for updates! Thank you!

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