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Katy's POV

I thought I had it figured out. Everything I mean. I know what I did to myself was wrong. I just know. But that feeling, that indescribable feeling isn't gone. It will never be gone, It's like I'm haunted. Cutting represents me. I'm not 'Emo'. Nobody is. It's just a label. Your a person, not a soup can.

Suddenly Harry came in the room.

"Uh, hey Katy." He said awkwardly in his low accent.

"Hello Harold." I said bowing my head in a greeting.

"Dinners ready." He stated and walked away.

Well then. Be that way. I wasn't really hungry so I decided to text Emisies.

K: Hey whasup girly

E: Reading. U?

K: Texting u, dipshit.

E: Bitch

K: As if, I'm fabulous.

E: correction; shallow bitch

K: PMS much?

E: no but KIAC Katy is a cunt!

K: you aren't very good at insults are you, pussyfoot?


K: okaaay

E: Shut the hell up.

K: what the fucks wrong?!

E: you

That was the last text I got from her. Why is she acting like this?!?!? WHY?!?! This is the first time we've ever disagreed. I don't understand why she's doing this. It's unfathenable. Damn.


Why is Katy acting weird? And why am I the only one who's noticing? Niall told me they made up. So what's really going on? I swear they are indesicieve teenage girls! Arses.


Why are Louis and Katy acting

weird!?!? What is with everyone?


I know why.

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