The Girlfriends

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Niall's POV

I am so exited for Katy to meet Eleanour,Lacy, And Abby! (A/N The story won't work if Danielle and Perrie are in it so sorry!) I hope the girls will get along I'm sure they will. Right? "So Katy cat are you exited to meet the girls?" I ask. "Totally! I need some more Girl friends! Not just guys!" she said enthusactically. "Guys?" I asked wearily."Oh Niall stop being so over protective!" "But I love my sissy!" she laughed. Her laugh is contagous,so i started laughing to. " And I have never even had a boyfriend!" she said.


I was completley distort about meeting Harry's, And Louis' Girlfriends. Its nerve wracking. I started hyperventilating. So, once I calmed down, I turned on the radio. I hope the girls like me. Surely they will.


I really like Katy. But Niall would never let me date her. But if I was detemined enough surely I could get her. Right? No maybe I should freind zone it first. Then she would never think more than 'Just Freinds' Mabe just maybe she could be mine? Hopefully.


Oh Katy is so perfect she funny, perky, her singing voice is great, and she is undeniably pretty. Maybe she's interested? A beautiful girl like her is probably Taken. But there is always hope. Right?


Okay Abby's outfit on the side


- Totally awesome person

Okay I'm editing this and let me tell you, THE BEGINNING SUCKS. Don't worry it gets better.

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