A Friend for Katy

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Katy's POV

   Your one in a millon. I know what your thinking. what's with her depressed, then happy!?!?! But, really i heard this new song called 'Gold' by Britt Nicole ( real song check it out! ) It's reallt inspiring! I mean you are worth more than Gold. Your a KIng your Queen inside and out. Your f***in perfect!! I have decieded to go and see if i can meet a new friend i mean a real friend, the boys just feel sorry for me. I reslly need a girl friend that I can just talk to!

  So I'm going to to seirously walk around and meet somebody nice. I know sounds like the perfect plan to get murdered! Maybe I'm watching to much Criminal Minds...

  I walk out to the garage and start my purple Jeep. As I start the car the song 'Wings' by Little Mix comes on. I smile. I love this song. I drive the Mall, and see a girl about my age getting bullied, like punched and stuff. She was bleeding. There was another girl do this to her. Blonde, dyed of course, Tall, Slim. Looks like she was taken right out of her Hollywood set.

   So of course being me I stop the car and get out to help that poor girl. She looks like she could be Kristen Stewerts' twin. So,I run up and pull the blonde of that poor girl. I feel a burning sensation in my cheek. She b**** slapped me, that whore! So being as hot-headed as I am, did it right back. The girl look so shocked, and ran away. Coward.

  Meanwhile the other girl stands trembling. She looks so relived though like I just saved her life.

   "Thank you," she says. "I'm Emma."

    "That's a cute name. I'll call you Emsies! I'm Katy! And no problem but may I ask, who was that bitch?" I say my thoughts on that bitchy blonde. ( A/N Nothing to blondes, I'm one myself!)

  Emma's face dropped at the mension of her. "T-thats Ashley" she said mortified.

  "Hey, are you okay," I ask.

   "Is it weird I feel like I've known you for years?" she asks smiling "And I'm fine."

   "Not at all" I say. " give me your phone, I'll put my number in!" I say happily.

    "Okay!" she says and we exchange phones. I put my contact name in as 'Best Person Ever! ;p'

I laugh at her name 'EMSIES!!' And she laughs at mine. "See ya later Kat!" she says "Lates!"

My day feels fullfilled knowing I've mad a friend! I hope we will be best friends! As I pull in I see a distrought Niall.

"KATE!!!!!!!!!!" He yells obvisially angry.

 "What did I do?" I ask.


  Oh sorry Mr. Over-Protectave, I'm not twelve don't wait up for me. I MENT to think, but said. Whoops!

"I give up your hopeless" he said and walked back inside. I think I'm just stuborn i thought to myself. Well if Niall is mad so is the rest of the bunch. Sigh. Did I just mentally sigh? Wow I'm weird. I walk into the rest of them ingoring me. WELL BE THAT WAY! I thought. So I went to my room, and striped off my clothes, plugged in my iHome, and hopped in the shower. 'The A Team' came on and I started to sing along to Ginger Jesus. ( Play it if you have it!)

White lips, pale face, breathin in the snow flakes, burnt lungs, sour taste, Lights gone, Days end struggling to pay rent, long nights, strange men.

And they say she sin the class A Team stuck in her daydream, been this way since eighteen but latley her face seems slowly sinking wasting crumpling like pastries and they scream.

the worst things in life com free to us cause were just under the upperhand go mad for a couple grams.

And she don't wanna go outside tonight and pipe she flies to the motherland or sells love to another man.

it s to cold outside for angels to fly for angels to fly riped gloves raincoat tried to swim stay afloat dried house wet clothes loose change bank notes weery eyed dried throat call girl, no phone.

And they say shes in the class A Team, stuck in her daydream been this way since eighteen.

But latley her face seems slowly sinking wasting, crumpling like pastries and they scream the worst things in life come free to us.

 Then I finish the song and think to myself 'Am I stuck in a daydream?"

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