Chapter One

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Nikandros slashed at the man nearest him with his heavy sword. Beads of sweat had begun to form on the half dwarf, half human. He was facing two men with swords. 'This,' he thought grimly, 'is tiring. But,' he reminded himself, 'this is training for what we wanted to be. Assassins.' As assassins, they may be in those situations where they were outnumbered, and that was why Nikandros was fighting two men.

The men advanced slowly towards Nikandros. He glanced from one to the other. Suddenly, he lunged towards one man. The man parried barely and struck back. Nikandros blocked it, and whirled around in time to block the other man's sword. This went on for some time until the trainer watching held up his hand. One man was disarmed, and the other was fighting desperately.
"Enough." He said calmly, "Well done, Nikandros."

Nikandros bowed his head. "Thank you."

The men Nikandros was fighting walked over and bowed respectfully, as was the tradition in their camp. "Well done." They congratulated.

Nikandros nodded, "You did well too." He turned and started walking towards his tent.

Thea, one of Nikandros' companions, had been watching him train. She walked up beside him, "Nice fighting out there. You are finally getting better." She joked.

Nikandros smiled and rolled his eyes, "Thanks."

Thea grinned, "Ya, well soon you'll be good enough to challenge me." She baited.

Nikandros laughed, "I would challenge you now, but I'm all tuckered out." He grinned.

Thea looked down at her sword, inspecting it, "Sure. You can use that excuse." She retorted, a sly smile spread across her face.

Nikandros groaned, "Fine."

"Are you sure?" Thea glanced back at Nikandros, the same grin on her face.

"Well I have to be! Ugh, you know how to manipulate." Nikandros groaned again and raised his sword.

Thea's eyes widened in mock surprise, "Me? Manipulate? Never." She held up her sword also, readying her stance. Nikandros rolled his eyes and began to circle Thea.

Thea was just about to swing at Nikandros when their master, the leader of the assassins' league, walked over. He held up his hand, "Stop. Put down your weapons."

Thea looked at him in confusion before bowing. She raised an eyebrow, but slowly lowered her sword, knowing not to disobey the Master. Nikandros sighed a small sigh in relief and obeyed. He sheathed his sword.

"Both of you, come with me." The Master commanded. He didn't wait for an answer and turned, walking back the way he came.

After exchanging a questioning glance at Thea, Nikandros followed. Thea trailed behind.

When they were in the Master's room, two men pulled the doors closed. The master sat down on a couch. "I believe you are both ready for your first assignment. I have been watching you train for the past few weeks and you both seem ready. But, you must be initiated first."

Thea's eyes widened. 'Finally, the other assassins will stop calling me the new one.' She thought, slightly grinning on the inside.

"Initiated?" Nikandros frowned slightly, despite the excitement welling inside him.

"Is that a no?" The master asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No." Nikandros said quietly, "I was just wondering..." He trailed off, "Initiated by whom?"

"By the League of Assassins of course. You want to officially join us, don't you?" The Master said, slightly annoyed. Thea nodded, agreeing.

"Well, then it is settled. Tonight will be the initiation and tomorrow I will send you both on your first mission. Any questions?" The Master asked. Thea shook her head, overjoyed.

"Nope." Nikandros controlled his smile.

"Good. You are dismissed." He ended the conversation. Nikandros nodded and left the tent. Thea hurried after him.

When they were out of the building, she turned excitedly to him, "I can't believe it! Finally, it'll be official!" Thea beamed.

"This is great!" Nikandros rejoiced, "I'm sure I'm gonna pass. But..." He faked a sympathetic smile, "You might want to make sure you're prepared." Nikandros felt full of energy, even though he had just spent hours training.

"What do you mean, pass?" Thea asked, suddenly concerned.

"Um, isn't there a test?" Nikandros asked awkwardly.

"Why would there be a test?"

Nikandros shrugged, "To make sure we're qualified?" He offered.

"Master didn't say anything about a test..." Thea considered.

"Well I guess there might not be one." He amended, "I mean, I hope there isn't. Although I'm sure we both would pass."

"I wonder what we have to do though for the initiation..." Thea shrugged, "I guess it's best not to worry about it."

"I guess..." Nikandros sighed, "I wonder what our mission will be..."

"Ya...well...I'm going to rest so I'll be ready for tonight. See you later." Thea smiled up at her friend. Nikandros was about a head taller than her even though he was part dwarf so their conversations always left her with a neck ache...or so they liked to joke. Nikandros smiled and then retired to his tent.


First chapter is finished!
I hope you guys enjoyed it! There are a few things I need to explain:)

First, the story might not always flow because this was written by me and two other people. My dear friends and I each wrote for certain characters. 

Second, to keep my friends and I anonymous, we will use our Middle-Earth names. So, as my familiar readers will know, I am Ithildae:) My friends' names are Evara and Aris. This is Evara's account name: BananaBam03

Third, each chapter I will explain who wrote for each character at the end.

Finally, if you enjoyed the first chapter for Against all Odds, then please vote, comment, or follow:) thanks!

Thea -- Ithildae
Nikandros -- Evara
The Master -- Ithildae

Ithildae, Aris, and Evara

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