Chapter Thirty

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Finally they arrived in the village. Looking around, Nikandros spotted an inn. He pointed it out to Thea, "Let's check in there."

Thea followed him inside and instantly their nostrils were assaulted. The many smells of the inn pushed towards the two assassins, creating a hazy and foggy atmosphere. The smells mixed with the noise caused Thea to stumble. She pushed her hand against her temple, trying to relieve the sudden throbbing that struck her.

Nikandros took one glance at his wife and made a decision, "Let's get out of here." He muttered to Thea.

Before they could leave, a burly man stepped up to them, a sloppy grin spread across his face. "Welcome!" He bellowed over the ruckus. "What can I get cha?"

"Ah," Nikandros hesitated, "How much are your rooms?" Secretly, Nikandros hoped that the rooms were expensive so that Thea and he could leave.

The man pursed his lips, "Well, for you guys it's on the house!" He grinned again, "Besides, it looks like you need it."

Nikandros glanced at Thea, asking her what she thought. She shrugged, almost as if to say, it's up to you.

"Well? What'ya say?" The man inquired.

"Could you show us the rooms?" Nikandros asked, a little uncertain.

"I can show you one." He offered, "But that's all I got left."

"Alright, lead the way." Nikandros decided. If they needed, they could leave, He decided.

The man showed them to a simple room with a bed, a table and two chairs, and a privacy area with an empty pot and tub. "I apologize, it's not the best room, but it's all I can offer you."

Nikandros waved a hand in dismissal, "This is good." He smiled gratefully at the man. The air was a bit cleaner in here, Nikandros noted.

The man nodded hurriedly and headed out of the room. He stopped abruptly at the door, "Do you want anything to eat?"

Nikandros nodded, "A cheap hot meal delivered up here if that's alright."

"No problem. No problem at all." He left without a other word, scurrying back the way he came.

"Here, Thea." Nikandros turned to his wife, "Sit down on the bed." His eyes filled with tears again as he remembered the pain Thea was in.

Thea noticed and gently caressed his cheek, "It will be alright." She soothed. Nikandros sighed and plopped down on the bed, covering his face with his hands. Thea didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him and bury her head in his chest. She began to sob as well, finally letting her emotions flow freely.

Nikandros took a shaky breath and began to rub Thea's back, "We're safe for tonight." He whispered comfortingly. She nodded, breathing in Nikandros' husky scent and smiling against his chest.

A minute later, a knock sounded on their door, "It's just me." The man who gave them their room said, "I have your food."

"Come in." Nikandros called, keeping his arm around Thea.

The innkeeper opened the door, carrying in a tray with two plates of food. "Here ye'are. That'll be two coins." He set the tray on their table.

Nikandros nodded and pulled the required coins out of his pocket before handing them to the innkeeper, "Thank you." He said gratefully. The man nodded and quickly left. Nikandros took the food and offered it to Thea.

She shook her head, "I'm not hungry right now. You go ahead."

"You should eat something." Nikandros took a piece of warm bread from the plate and offered it to Thea.

"I'll have some later." She smiled reassuringly before laying back on the bed, sighing quietly.

"Thea, just one or two bites." Nikandros held the bread out to Thea.

"I'm really not hungry." She insisted.

"Eat a few bites anyway, please."

Thea sighed again, "Okay." Finally consenting, she took the bread and tentatively took a bite, chewing slowly. She took one more bite before handing the bun back to him.

Nikandros pushed the bread back at Thea, "Keep it."

"I'm not going to eat anymore so you might as well eat it."

"No, I will not eat it." Nikandros felt a twinge of worry. Thea hadn't eaten for a day or two besides having a piece of apple which she threw up. By all rights, she should be hungry, "Thea, you need to eat that whole bread." He suddenly insisted.

Thea shook her head. "I don't want anymore." She yawned suddenly.

Nikandros kissed Thea softly on the lips, "Alright. Rest." She smiled faintly and consented by closing her eyes, almost instantly drifting off to sleep.

Hey again and again! Yes I know, this chapter is also pretty small...but they are a little bit like fillers...anyhew please vote, comment, or follow if you enjoyed!!!


Ithildae, Evara, and Aris

Nikandros: Evara
Thea: Ithildae
Innkeeper: Ithildae

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