Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After a very scary and tense minute, she coughed and gasped for breathe. "Thea!" Nikandros exclaimed, and wrapped his wife in his arms. Tears of relief began to flow down his cheeks and he held Thea securely in his arms. She curled up in his arms, shaking and catching her breath. The whole camp watched silently in amazement. Nikandros kissed her on the lips softly, "I thought you weren't going to make it." He whispered.

"I-I'm so sorry I s-scared you..." Thea hiccuped.

Fendrel sighed, "Enough. She's alive, now stand up." Nikandros reluctantly pulled away from Thea and stood up. Fendrel motioned for Thea to stand also.

She struggled to get her feet under her. Finally, she managed to stand, wobbling slightly. Barely a moment later, her knees gave out and she fell to the ground, her body refusing to work. "I-I can't." She whispered tiredly.

Nikandros kneeled beside her and simply picked her up, "Will this do?" He asked Fendrel.

"Camrên. Come here." Fendrel ordered a nearby soldier.

Camrên strode over. "Yes, sir?"

"Carry the young woman." Fendrel picked up Nikandros' bindings, ready to refasten them.

Camrên nodded, and walked over to Nikandros, "You can put her down."

Nikandros knelt slowly and gently laid Thea on the ground.

Camrên walked over to pick Thea up, when suddenly, Nikandros reached over and unsheathed Camrên's own sword, pointing it at the soldier's neck.

Camrên froze in place.

"Thea," Nikandros muttered so only she could hear, "move behind me."

"Put down the sword, boy! There is no way you can win." Fendrel reasoned.

"If anyone makes a move, your soldier here dies." Nikandros called out so everyone could here.

Fendrel raised his hands in the air, "What do you plan on doing exactly? Try to think! Use your head, she will die if you do anything stupid." He gestured to some men who still had their bows loaded, but frozen.

Nikandros nudged Camrên with the point of the sword between the archers and Thea.

Fendrel's shoulders sagged, "Make your demands."

"You must pile your weapons there." Nikandros gestured at a spot a few feet away.

"What are your terms, boy?"

Nikandros thought quickly, "I want all of these men," he gestured at Hammond's men, "and the prince, and myself and my wife freed."

"Your demands are too steep. I'm afraid I can't agree. If you must, murderer, then kill Camrên." Fendrel said as his jaw tightened.

Camrên stood up taller, "Go ahead. I am more than willing to die for my king."

"I change my terms." Nikandros said abruptly, "You," he gestured at Fendrel, "drop your weapons and come over here."

Fendrel thought for a moment. "Fine." He removed his numerous knives and thrust his sword to the ground before coming near. He was careful to not be so close to Nikandros to be within his blade's reach.

Nikandros nudged Camrên closer towards Fendrel. Abruptly, He shoved Camrên away, and pointed the sword at Fendrel. "I repeat my terms."

Fendrel scowled, "My answer still stands, scum." He spat. "Do what you will, but if you choose to kill me, my men will kill your wife."

"That's why they will put down their bows. Or they can see their commander die." Nikandros stated it in a matter-of-fact tone.

"The king would have my head if I let you all go anyway. So make your choice because my men are not moving."

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