Chapter Three

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The next morning bright and early, men escorted Thea and Nikandros to the Master's room. Soon, they were left alone with him.

"Come near." He commanded. Nikandros obeyed and stepped forward. Thea quickly followed suite. "Are you both ready for your mission?" The Master asked. Thea nodded. Nikandros also nodded, excitement welling up inside him. "I assume you both have heard of Gondor...well that is where your assignment lies." The Master explained, "There is a certain prince there that our employers have decided should not be allowed to be crowned king. So, your mission is to assassinate him, but you mustn't get caught. If either of you becomes captured, we will not come to your aid. We must remain quiet about the affair and will claim we do not know you. Is that clear?"

Thea instantly had mixed feelings about the mission, but answered quickly, "Yes, Master."

Nikandros bowed his head, "Yes, Master. When do we leave?"

"As soon as you pack. We can't afford to wait. Any other questions?"

Nikandros shook his head, "No."

"Then you are dismissed. Leave as soon as you can." The Master commanded.

Thea nodded and bowed before leaving. Nikandros bowed and followed Thea out the door. "What do you think of our mission?" He asked.

Thea shrugged, "I don't really know. I guess I wasn't expecting such an important mission right away..." She trailed off, "What about you?"

Nikandros adjusted his belt holding his sword, "I'm just glad to have a mission. But yah, it does seem really important."

"Well I'll meet you in the clearing by the fire pit in...let's say, ten minutes?" Thea suggested.

"Sure." Nikandros agreed. Thea sent him a grin and hurried off to her tent.

Nikandros walked into his tent and began to pack his few belongings. When he had finished, he headed to the clearing. Thea was already there sitting on a wooden log. She didn't see him come near and kept staring at her brand. Nikandros grinned to himself. He snuck up behind her and stuck his sword at her neck, "Dead." He pronounced, jokingly, and sheathed it. "What's wrong?" He asked, "You probably would have seen me, except something is on your mind."

"Nikandros!" She groaned. "You are so childish." Thea complained. "I'm just...tired, that's all."

Nikandros raised an eyebrow questioningly, "Tired? I doubt it. Seriously, I doubt it."

Thea snorted, "What do you know? You're just a childish boy." She teased, "I'm fine. Beside, it's none of your concern. Let's go." She stood up and pulled her dark brown sleeves over her brand.

Nikandros rolled his eyes, "Yah, if I'm a child, than what are you? A toddler?" He teased back.

"Stop it!" She snapped, "You know I hate when you flaunt your age! That doesn't mean anything." Thea crossed her arms and began walking away.

"Hey!" Nikandros called after her. He ran up in front of her. Nikandros raised both his hands, "I was just teasing!"

"Oh really. Well it sure didn't sound like it!" She replied. Thea walked around Nikandros and headed out of camp.

Nikandros caught up again and laid his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from going any farther. He looked seriously into her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing!" Thea said angrily. "Why are you being so nosy?"

Nikandros looked at her calmly, "You aren't your self. I'm not trying to be nosy, I'm just concerned for you."

Thea looked down, "I...sorry. I'll be okay." She raised her eyes and looked up at him, "Thanks."

Nikandros let a small smile come onto his face, "Is it about the mission?"

"...No..." She looked away.

"Then what is it?" Nikandros asked. His tone was not that of prodding, it was one of concern for his partner, his friend.

"Nothing..." Thea quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about it anymore, "We should get going. It will probably take around two days to get to Gondor." She found her horse and quickly mounted.

Nikandros shrugged, followed suit, and swung up into his horse, which had been picketed in the clearing. "Let's go then." He nudged Thea with his elbow, trying to keep the mood light. She smiled at him, though her look said she was distracted. Thea urged her horse forward and they headed off.

Nikandros sighed contentedly. "It's nice to be out here."

"I certainly is different." Thea commented.

"I guess it is." They rode the rest of the day in silence before camping near a forest.

And that is chapter three! I hope you guys are liking this story!
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Thea -- Ithildae
Nikandros -- Evara
The Master -- Ithildae

Ithildae, Aris, and Evara (BananaBam03 )

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