Chapter Fifty-One

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Thea looked up as well and gasped, causing her to stumble. She righted herself as the guards brought them before the familiar throne.

"Bu-but..." Nikandros stuttered, still in shock.

Ulric smiled, and waved a hand,  "Guards, untie them."

The guards stood there, shocked at what he had said.

One of them found their voice and spoke up, "But my lord, these are the ones who tried to kill you." He tried to explain.

"They've changed much." Ulric said simply. "And they have no weapons." He added, smiling.

"Yes, sir." The guard answered. He untied Thea's hands as another guard did the same for Nikandros.

Thea rubbed her red wrists gingerly, still staring at Ulric in amazement, "How..."

"Long story short, Hammond and his men took over the castle. They overpowered my father, and made me king." He shifted slightly, "I didn't approve of their methods, but eventually I saw the need for it."

Thea looked down and let out a breath, "I-I...we thought it was Degore...and that..." She didn't finish, but closed her eyes.

Nikandros stepped over to Thea, wrapping an arm around her, "We thought that Degore was still ruling." He said simply, leaving out the numbing fear that they would both be killed.

Ulric's expression softened, "You're safe now. You may stay here if you wish, or you may leave. You are not prisoners here."

Thea smiled genuinely up at Ulric, "Thank you. I am glad to see that all was worked out with you and your...father. Where is he if I may ask?"

"Ah," Ulric cleared his throat awkwardly, "Well he is currently locked in a room. Temporarily, until I figure out what to do with him." There was a pause before Ulric asked, "If I may ask, what happened to you two? And how did you come to be held by the elves?"

Thea pursed her lips together, trying to decide what to say, "Well, my...bleeding...had gotten pretty bad so Nik brought me to them for healing. They did help me, but their king found out who we really were and made us prisoners then...and well...then his son brought us here." She shifted onto her bad foot without realizing it and let out a hiss of pain, leaning on Nikandros.

Ulric looked concerned, "Should I send for a healer?"

"No. I'm...fine." Thea answered, her fists clenched tightly. "Just a small...break."

"I'm sorry, I've been keeping you here when clearly you need rest. Joel!" Ulric called, and a young servant came running, "Yes, your majesty?" He asked, curiously glancing at Nikandros and Thea.

"Take them to a nice room, please." Ulric asked, gesturing to the assassins.

Joel nodded, "This way." He told Nikandros and Thea, waving a hand in the direction of a side-door.

Thea limped with Nikandros' help after the boy. Right before they left the room, she smiled back at Ulric, as if to say thank you.

Joel walked quickly, checking behind him every once and awhile to make sure the assassins were following. After a couple minutes, he stopped before a door.

"This will be your room." He said, grinning, "There's a bell-pull if you need anything."

"Thank you." Nikandros said, smiling. Joel nodded, and raced off down a corridor.

They walked into the spacious room, Nikandros closing the door behind them. The room was painted in a soft cream color and had dark oak furniture placed around the room. At one corner, a large and plush bed sat. Nikandros helped Thea over to the bed, and then climbed under the soft covers.

"I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." Nikandros yamned.

She snuggled up to him, feeling absolutely comfortable under the plush blankets, "Mm hmm..." She answered, already nodding off.

Nikandros and Thea slept comfortably for the first time in a long time. More than that, they slept soundly, knowing they were safe.

I know this chapter was kind of short, but you have to admit, it was an awesome chapter. Finally Nik and Thea are safe and can get their lives back together! Also, there are only a couple of chapter left in the book, FYI, so just a heads up:/

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Ithildae, Evara, and Aris

Guards--Evara and Ithildae

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