Chapter Fifty-Two

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The next morning, Nikandros woke refreshed and invigorated. He lay there for a couple minutes, listening to Thea's steady breathing before a light knock sounded on the door.

Being careful as to not wake Thea, Nikandros went to the door, and upon opening it, saw Joel, who was about to knock again.

"Oh! Morning sir!" He greeted Nikandros, "The King wishes to see you two."

For a moment, Nikandros felt a sense of panic, wondering if Ulric had decided to punish them, but he quickly dispelled the feeling. He nodded, "I'll wake Thea."

Walking over to the bed, Nikandros kissed Thea lightly, "Morning, Thea."

She groaned and rolled over, planting her face in a pillow, not wanting to leave the comforts of the bed.

Nikandros laughed softly, "Ulric wants to see us."

"Tell him we're not at home." Her voice came out muffled through the fabric.


"Ugh...fine." She rolled back over and started to climb out of the bed begrudgingly.

"Uh, sir?" Joel asked, "Ulric sent some fresh clothes... If you want." He added quickly.

Thea answered for him, "Thank you!" She piped up, "Could you tell him we'll be right there?"

Joel nodded, hesitating awkwardly with the clothes in his hand, wondering what to do.

Nikandros chuckled slightly and went over to relieve him. Taking the clothes, he said, "Thank you." Joel smiled briefly, and then raced off to tell Ulric. Nikandros closed the door, and laid the clothes on the bed.

Thea peered over the articles of clothing and frowned, "A dress...really Ulric?" She grumbled to herself, lifting the cream colored gown up by her fingertips

Nikandros laughed, "I can go ask him for a tunic if you want." He offered.

"'s fine. I guess I'll...wear it." She sighed. "I'll be right back." She headed to the bathroom that was joined to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. 

Laughing quietly to himself, Nikandros changed into the fresh clothes that had been brought for him and waited for Thea.

She was finished soon after him and came out, a half frown on her face as she struggled with the dress, almost tripping on its hem. "This is ridiculous...I have no idea how to wear one of these."

Nikandros walked over to her, "You look lovely." Then he couldn't resist adding, "Now smile and you'll like lovelier."

Thea frowned deeper and crossed her arms, then her resolve cracked and she couldn't help but grin. "I guess you're right." She admitted and hiked up the skirt of her dress, ready to go.

Nikandros offered his arm, "Shall we go?"

She raised an eyebrow, a smirk still on her face, "Sure." She answered simply.

Thea took his arm and together they walked out to the throne room. Coming through the door way, they saw Ulric on his throne, but that wasn't what captured their attention.

Standing next to Ulric was the Master. 

Ulric shifted in his seat to face them, a small frown on his face, "Thea, your uncle is here." He said shortly.

Thea froze, "Um..." She stared directly into the Master's eyes, feeling nervous and confused.

"Thea, Nikandros, come back. Stop running away from me, please," the Master said.

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