six / every louis would love every harry

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The first thing Louis noticed when he woke up, even before he opened his eyes, was that he was alone. The warmth he fell asleep to was gone and his body felt uncomfortably cold instead.

A quiet groan escaped his lips and he turned his head to his right. His eyes fluttered open and Louis noticed that Harry was gone. The spot next to him was empty, and that might be how Louis felt in this moment. He sighed and sat up slowly.

Louis ran a hand through his chestnut-colored hair and listened closely into the flat, but the lack of noise told him that Harry had left the flat while Louis was asleep. Harry had a habit of leaving the flat in the early morning hours, and usually it didn't bother Louis because that's how he got out of eating breakfast.

But when Harry left after they fell asleep next to each other Louis felt weird because it made him feel like his (hopefully still) best friend regretted the night - almost like a drunken hook-up, just minus the sex and the alcohol. It was a bit weird to compare these things with each other but Louis knew that not all (male) best friends were comfortable with falling asleep like that. Not everyone spooned with someone they weren't dating and maybe that's what Harry realized in the morning. But then again, Louis and Harry always had a special bond.

"You're like an old married couple sometimes, just that you're basically the exact opposite. Its weird how comfortable you are with each other," Liam had said when they got to know each other about two days after being put in a band back in 2010.

"Its like you already knew each other. Maybe its not that you knew each other personally; maybe you were a married couple in your past life, or you are best friends in a parallel universe and it was just a matter of time until you found each other in this one. It could be destiny, think about it," Zayn had added before shoving half a slice of pizza into his mouth which kinda destroyed the atmosphere.

"Think about it."

...and Louis did. He knew scientists believed that there were other universes and that it was highly possible to exist in those, too, (and that you could be a fictional character in one of those) but Louis wasn't a strong believer of this theory.

All he knew was that he would find Harry in every universe and in every life just to love him as much as he did in this life. Every Louis would love Harry.

The sound of a phone ringing pulled Louis out of his thoughts and a groan escaped his mouth as he grabbed his phone. He accepted the call without even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Yes?" Louis said equally tired and annoyed even though he tried to hide it a bit to not come off as rude.

"Good morning, Louis!" Niall chirped from the other side of the line and once again Louis asked himself how it was physically possible to be that happy, especially in the early morning hours. "Did I wake you up?"

Louis sighed and shook his head before he realized that Niall couldn't see it. "No," he then simply replied.

"The boys and I heading for a swim and I was wondering if Harry and you'd like to join," Niall spoke and Louis bit his lower lip, running his free hand through the mess that he called his hair.

"Harry's not here," Louis answered and tried to ignore how much these words hurt coming out of his own mouth.

"Okay?" Niall said. "Do you want to join us?"

"Not really, sorry. Have a good day, though," Louis replied before hanging up; he didn't wait for Niall's answer because Niall would ask for an explanation, and Louis couldn't give him a proper one.

It wasn't that Louis actually didn't want to go, he missed swimming. He missed the feeling of jumping into water, the joy he got out of playing silly games with the boys.

Louis didn't think the others would like to see him in swimming shorts, he didn't think they'd love to see the exposed fat on his body, not talking about the scars littering on his once so tan skin. And an other part of Louis also didn't want to see paparazzi photos of him shirtless all over the internet; he couldn't bear the thought of the hateful comments he would get, or the memory of the ones he already got when he went swimming in the ocean back in 2011.

It has been two years but the wounds were still fresh because the comments were directly aimed towards Louis' biggest insecurity.

Louis pushed the covers off him and jumped out of the bed. The wooden floor was cold underneath his feet as he walked over to his room. He stripped his shirt off and tossed it onto his bed as he walked over to the bathroom and the first thing Louis noticed was the mirror right in front of him - maybe it wasn't very Clever to position the mirror so it was the first thing you saw when entering the room.

Even if his ripcage was visible - you could count every single rip if you wanted to - Louis saw fat, the reason why Harry didn't love him.

Tears were burning in Louis' ocean-blue eyes and the thoughts of the shower he was planning on taking were vanished out of his mind. Louis found himself holding his cold, metallic "friend".

Louis was sitting on the cold bathroom tiles by now and he laid the blade against his skin. He then added a bit pressure and moved the blade; pain stung on the skin and the crimson-red liquid was already making its way up to the air. It made Louis smile in a sick way but Louis didn't care as he addes three other cuts. The blood felt warm as it ran down his skin, dripping down on the ground.

Louis dropped the blade on the ground and grabbed a paper towel, trying to stop the bleeding as he heard the door of his room being opened, followed by steps on the floor.


The blood froze in Louis' veins as Niall's voice reached his ears. Panic was raising up in Louis and he jumped up, hurridly looking around as if the solution for the problem was written on the wall; almost like a fire escape plan in schools.

"Louis? Are you in there?"

Louis heard Niall knock on the bathroom door and the doorknob. Louis thanked heaven he locked the door but by the time he noticed his shirt was in his room he knew he was fucked.

"Louis, open the door."

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