eleven / we need to talk Louis

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When Harry came home it was past midnight – Louis knew because Zayn and Louis were sitting in the living room watching a movie when the front door opened. It was clear that Harry came home because no one else had a reason to come into the flat at this time, and Louis knew what Harry's footsteps sounded like.

It was weird for Louis if he thought about it, but he spent so many nights lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling when he heard Harry come home, and over the time he simply memorized the sound, it wasn't hard to memorize the sound. The other thing Louis could easily tell that Harry was alone because the sound of a second pair of feet was missing, and Louis was really happy about it.

When Louis walked into the hallway the smell of alcohol lingered in the air, not that he needed that smell to tell that his best friend was drunk. Harry was stumbling around, struggling to slide out of his shoes, and he was too drunk to even notice Louis standing in the doorway, watching his every move.

Louis wanted to walk over to Harry and wrap his arms around Harry, helping him to get to his room, but something was holding Louis back so he was watching Harry stumble past him without even glancing at him and soon Harry disappeared into the first floor.

Louis turned around and walked into the living room after he heard Harry's room door being shut. Louis quickly told Zayn that he was going to bed, saying that he felt really tired and needed to sleep.

Zayn however didn't question it, he simply looked at Louis like he was searching for a sign to see if Louis was lying, but Louis simply walked up into his room, falling down on his mattress. It was weird because for once Louis felt so tired that his eyes shut almost immediately.


The next morning started early for Louis, not that he planned it. The sound of music woke him up from his sleep, and a quick glance told him it wasn't even 10 am yet, but the music that was blasting through the entire flat made it hard to fall back asleep. Louis wasn't mad though, because the music told him that Harry was home, he always listened to loud music and somehow it made Louis' heart beat faster and he found himself jumping out of the bed.

The wooden floor felt cold beneath his bare feet, but Louis still wore a smile on his face as he walked down the stairs and when he walked into the living room he felt like the smile couldn't get any bigger, and for once it wasn't a fake smile.

Harry was sitting on the couch, quietly nodding his head to the beat of the song he was listening to while playing around with his phone. Louis walked over to Harry and sat down next to him, and the movement made Harry look up.

"Good morning, Lou," Harry said with a smile on his lips and Louis thought it was weird that Harry was so good mooded. He was drunk yesterday, he should be hung-over or at least have slight headaches, but then again who knows how long Harry had been awake, he probably took some painkillers, not that it was Louis' business.

"Good morning, too," Louis said, trying to hide just how happy he was that Harry was sitting beside him. Harry opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted as Zayn walked into the room. Zayn looked at Louis before he walked onto the balcony, closing the door behind him – the music probably woke him up as well and now he wanted to have a smoke. But Louis didn't care as long as he could be alone with Harry.

"What is Zayn doing here?" Harry asked and looked at Louis.

"He slept over," Louis replied and Harry raised his eyebrows, looking more confused as ever.

"He literally lives next door, why did he sleepover?" Harry then said, asking the thing Louis was afraid of, but expected sooner or later. The thing was, Louis didn't think Harry would notice so soon, so he had no answer other than the truth, and Louis didn't want Harry to know the truth.

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