Chapter Five

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Saxon's POV

Mia stares up at me, her wolf eyes narrowed in disgust. I knew exactly what she was saying to me: Your a Jerk. I laughed internally, before turning back to Reese, who was watching me with a frown on his face.

Maison had given me control of a small portion of the pack, mainly all the high school boys and girls, earlier this afternoon so i could, quote 'Learn what it takes to be an Alpha'.  Which was absolutly pathetic, considering I was next in line for the Alpha title. Everyone knew the ability to handle the pack came about when you got the position.

After taking Becca to the hospital (No sign of Dillan that bastard) and holding her hand through her contractions, i was buggered. Thank god, Dillan showed some sense and turned up just before she had dilated 10cm. Cause I would have ripped his head off if he hadn't.

"Okay, guys." I said, slapping my hands together. I have no idea why I did that. I shook it off, leaning against the wall. "Maison just gave me charge of the high school part of the pack, so..." I shrugged. What do you say after that?

"What?!" Marco jumped to his feet, confusion and anger written on his face. "There is no way I'm taking orders from you, dipshit."

I growled at him. Did he just insult me?! Me, the future Alpha!? "Watch it, Marco." I snarled at him, baring my teeth.

He growled in responce, taking a step forwards. "No. I don't have to listen to you. Your not Alpha. And, you probably never will be, so you can stick that up your as-,"

"Sit down!" I roared at him.

Marco gave me a pained expression, like he was trying to move before sitting down, defeated. Huh, looks like the Alpha tone works on these guys now. The other guys whipped there heads up, ready to defend their friend before catching sight of my expression and looking away.

"Just came to tell you that we'll be running the perimeter for the next week." I said off-handedly.

The guys groaned and hung their heads. Babies... I thought.

"Hey!" Oliver Evans snapped from his place on the floor. "We can hear you, you know!"

I rolled my eyes. I forgot about that part. Damn.

"Your all a bunch of babies. Grow a pair." a female voice snapped from the doorway to the right of me.

I looked over to see a blonde headed girl tugging down a white singlet over her belly. I looked up into her eyes and was taken aback by the sight of the girl who stole my chair. I glance down to the ground beside Oliver, where I could have sworn she was a minute ago.

I looked at her again, confused. She smirked at me. "No body notices a girl slip out of the room when testosteron is in play." She rolled her eyes.

She looked familiar. Something about her face, her eyes, her....everything screamed I've Met You Before! at me, but I couldn't place it.

"Stuggeling to remember who I am, Jerk?" She wondered, placing her finger to her chin as if in deep thought. "I took your seat in math? Jeez, short term memory loss much."

I smiked at her. "I remember Princess, but I was trying to work out why you look so familiar."

Oliver got up from the floor, making his way over to the girl. He slung his arm around her shoulders protectivly. "Dude, don't call my sister Princess..."

I looked from Oliver to the girl, frowning. Sister? I didn't know the Evans even had a daughter much less Maison having a sister. "What? Adopt some rogue, Oliver? I could have sworn Maison was above that..." I mused, cocking my head to the side, egging him on.

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