Chapter Six

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Mia's POV

I can't go anywhere. Not to Reese's because that's where my brother is. Not to the next town over, because theres a chance Patrick might see me. And not Home because Maison's kicked me out. I wonder if I can still call it home, or if it's now just a house I was once welcome in.

I think I know why Maison kicked me out, and maybe it was easier this way, instead of me having to break it off in the weeks to come. But it seemed more impersonal this way- the decision was made for me so I didn't have to see any hurt faces, or tearing expressions except Julie's.

I know Julie will forgive Maison and allow him to move on with his life now that I'm gone. I know she won't be sad for me and I know the feelings of sadness and loss she has now will eventually disappear. I know this because that's how mates are. They lay themselves: their bodies, their hearts, their souls: on the line each and every day for the other.

If being with Maison means forgetting me, Julie will do just that. I'll be but a small crack in the clear glass pane that is her life with Maison.

I don't think anyone knows yet. I don't think Olivers home yet. And I don't think Patrick cares. Brodie knows- I know for sure, because I heard them fighting. I heard Brodie shouting and I felt the anger crackeling through the air. Brodie had gone wolf, getting the hell out of there. He'd run straight passed my hiding spot underneath an old dead tree, which had a great view of the house.

I was only going to be here for the night, then I supposed, I'd get on a bus and back-pack my way further inland. The further in-land, the more rouges, the more likly I will have of being over looked.

I can see the sun slowly breaking up the dark as it rises into the early pre-dawn sky. It's breath taking. I would stay and watch it, but I only have a few minutes before Maison takes his run and I know that if he finds me, I'm dead.

I'm no longer in his pack, and as an illegal Rogue on his land, he has every right to tear me limb from limb if he comes across me. And I'm not sure if he would or not, but personally I don't want to risk it.

I feel my human feet touching cement and I fing myself on the street, right in front of one of the town bus stops. I nod to myself and move to sit inside the bus shelter. I smell him before I see him: that rich scent of melted butter.

My stomach growls as I feel him watching me. I ignore him, hoping he'll go away, or just get on another bus and go away. He doesn't.

"Running away from your home again, Mia?"

I turn my face up, notcing how close to me he's gotten. We're practically a breath apart. "Not this time, Saxon." I said calmly, angeling my body away from his.

"Where are you planning on going, Princess?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Don't call me that." I snarled, a little too harsley. "And I don't know. Why do you care?"

He shrugged, sitting beside me on the now vacated seat. "Your apart of my pack, so I care."

I looked at him, frowning. "Since when do Alpha's care?"

"Since me." He said, smiling, a weird glint in his eye. "So, get up, you can come and live in the pack house with the others."

"Um, how about no?" I laughed just as a bus pulled up. I had no idea where it was going, and really, I didn't care. I wasn't welcome here anymore, so I might as well leave. I might go to Broome. I'd always wanted to go to Broome. Or maybe Cairns?

I jump onto the bus, flashing the driver my Free Fare card, and make my way up the bus, looking for a free seat, very aware of Saxon following me. I sit down next to a young woman, around thirty, who smells completely human.

She smiles at me, and moves over, before returning to look out the window. Saxon sits behind me, grumbeling something about 'public transport! I have a car....'

The minutes tick by and eventually, I get bored of my little trip. I decide I want to run. As a wolf, as Mia, I don't care. I just need to run.

I make my way off the bus, not exactly sure where I am, feeling Saxon behind me. I walk off over a rolling green hill- we're somewhere just outside of town- and start to decend into the trees. Suddenly, Saxon's arm grabs my shirt, violently hauling me back to him, so that my back is pressed against his hard chest.

"What- Saxon, let go of me now! Get off me! What are you-,"

"Shh!" Saxon hisses. "This isn't our land, Mia. We need to be careful."

I push myself away from him and continue walking, facing him this time. I stumble alittle as my pathetic shoes slip on the wet grass. "I'm a rogue, Sax. I listen to nobody."

Saxon's eyes widened suddenly. Then he moved his legs into a defensive stance, his lips drawing back to reveal his exteneded cainines.

I laughed once. "You don't scare me, Saxon." My hands on my hips, my head cocked to the side.

His eyes flashed with anger as he looked behind him.

"No, but I should." A deep rumble sounded close to me and I spun on my heels to face a strange looking man, a scar running down the length of his face. He was tanned, his hair long; passed his shoulders. He wore nothing but cut off jeans. And yet, he screamed 'Be afraid'.

I wanted to cower in his presence: his alpha dominance seeping from his voice. I looked down his body, my heart leaping into a scared over-drive as I took in all his scars, some of them bleeding: fresh from battle- only minutes ago.

Thats when the smell of Wolf blood hit me. It resinated from the woods around us, flowing passed us as we stood stock still, Saxon growling.

Who ever he'd killed, there was alot of them, not far in front of us, somewhere in the gully. Suddenly, I felt empowered. He wasn't going to kill me without a fight, thats for sure.

I switched into a defencive position, my canines pushing there way out of my gums. I snarled at him, Saxon moving forward a little to back me up.

"Oh, what a brave little Luna." He cooed.

I raised an eyebrow as he called me the name of a Female Alpha, but I shook it off.

His hand reached out to me and he turned it so that the back of his hand traced my jaw. I shivered at the intamacy of the notion, cringing at how violated and gross it made me feel. "I've been looking for you for awhile." He cooed again.

"Mia, watch out!" Saxon yelled and I turn around just in time to see Saxon go wolf before a bag was slipped over my head and I was engulfed in darkness, a scream dying in my throat.


Cliff hanger!


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I have no idea if any of you like this because no one is saying so. And I really don't want to continue my story if no ones enjoying it, you know...?

So, please let me know anything! Feed back would be great...!

Until next time,

Kate xx

P.s- this hasn't been edited at all.

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