Chapter Nine

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Dedicated to the Victims of the 9/11... RIP, guys. Know that your still loved by the people you left behind...


Mia's POV

I stuggled to stand and Saxon grips my waist tightly as I sway. I brush him off, ignoring the pain the movement causes me. "Let's move." I say, wincing.

I slink towards the door, my left arm pressed tightly across my side, putting pressure on the burning wound. I have no idea why they were tapping my blood, and I don't want too. I just want too get out of here. I want to be free again.

You never realise the value of freedom until you have none.

Saxon follows behind me, close enough so I can feel his hot breath on my neck. I shiver slightly, goose-bumps rising on my arms. I shrug it off and keep walking.

We've reached the metal door. They're are two guys outside, both are asleep. I sniff the air... Or drunk..

The smell of the Alcohol burns my nose. I step into the hallway, sniffing again. I can't smell anyone else in this part, but I know there are more people in the next room, which means they'll hear anything we do from now on.

I press my finger to Saxon's lips and jerk my head to the right, in the direction of the people. He nods slightly. I smirk and step around the first man. He's passed out on the floor, a large curved kitchen knife in his hand, a bottle of brady (empty) in the other.

I sniff again. Passed the smell of alcohol, I can smell his blood. I step back, shocked. He's human...

I glance at Saxon, whose glancing at me, extremly worried. What are human's doing here?

I stiffen and press myself into the wall. There's a third man, besides the two by the door. I step closer and snap my eyes shut. He's dead... definatly dead. No one could survive wounds like that. I looked away, feeling the bile rise in my throat.

Saxon moved behind me, looked, gasped and turned me too face him. "Don't think about it, Mia."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the heat that radiated off his body. "I can't..." I could smell his blood and I could see the image of his mauled face in my mind.

"Stop. I- I can't... Mia, stop thinking about it. Your shaking!"

I felt my body shaking before he said it, but now, I was trembeling.

"What have we got 'ere?" A loud husky voice sneered. "A run away?"

I turned, my eyes flying open. We hadn't been listening! We'd been talking! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I cursed under my breath, walking backwards slightly. The man reached forwards, grabbing for me. His long thin fingers grabbed my side and I yelped as his long, dirty nails dug into my flesh, drawing blood.

"Don't touch her!" Saxon yelled, shoulder barging the guy.

They fell to the ground, fists flying. We were drawing too much attention! Too much! Oh god.

"Rex, whats going on?"A voice asked, someone appearing around the corner of the tunnel.

They froze, I froze; our eyes meeting.

My body shook. How could he be behind this? How could he do this to me? Me? I trusted him! I trusted him with every fibre of my being! And here he is, here in this sick, twisted place- where people are trying to kill me!

I bawled my fists by my side. "How could you...?" I whispered, my voice shaking. I couldn't be tough now, now that I knew. "You knew about this? You let them torture me, hurt me, rape me, while you were here, in the next room..." I pushed the tears back.

He smiled, his lips curving upwards. But it wasn't the smile I remembered, it was one of power- of some kind of sick need. He had changed, and I'd only been gone for a while. He laughed then. It was cold, empty of humor, but I saw the way his eyes shone. He knew everything- and he let it go.

"Did you enjoy hearing me scream, Patrick?" I asked, my voice cold.

He wasn't my brother anymore.


Sorry, I know it's like one page. I just needed to update so I could fit all the other ideas into the next chapters! I'm sorry! I"M SORRY FOR BEING AWAY!!!





Love you guys!


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