Chapter Ten (**WARNING**)

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Mia's POV


It's dark and even though my eyes are swelled shut with bruising, I can make out the dark shapes in the room around me. My hands are bound tightly behind my back, twisted into a very painful position, my elbw digging into my rib-cage.

I'm lying on dirt. I can smell the damp earth. It surrounds me- I'm still under ground.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Water is trickeling down the wall beside me, drpping onto the metal pole I'm chained too with a light 'ting'ing sound.

As I move my legs, I can feel the mud swishing around them, although I can't feel it. I lost feeling in my feet along time ago. Maybe weeks, maybe days. I have no way of knowing how long I've been down here because I can't see the rise and fall of the sun, nor can I feel it's heat penetrate the soft rock around me.

At first, this positon I'm in hurt- My arms chicken-winged behind me, my legs streched out in front of me, my body in a half lying half sitting position- and it hurt so much I cried for hours upon end at the pain. But now it's just numb.

My head's pounding, my heart thumping along to some kind of rhythem I don't recognise.

I can't hear anybody eles. Maybe this part of the tunnels are empty?

Patrick. He did this too me.

After our little 'discussion' in the hallway when I had been trying to escape, he'd ordered his men onto me. After the sixth punch to the head, I was pretty much dead to the world. My whole body had become more vegetable like with each passing blow. After they had successfully broken me as much as they could- until I was on the edge of death, ready to fall into the pits of hell- Patrick poped open a small vial.

I knew what it was before he opened it. The crimson colour had ID'd the liquid straight away. The smell had quickly confirmed it was mine.

He had leant over me, is face looming like a blurred shadow. Black spots had darted over his face, but even in my weakened, battered state, I felt hate for him. He's gripped my jaw- which was bruised and swollen- tightly between his large calloused hands and poured the blood into my mouth.

He sneered at me as I had chocked on the awful metalic taste.

"Now, youll heal, Sis. Now you'll understand why I need to you here with me." He's muttered, his breath hot and alcohol smelling near my neck.

I didn't want to believe Patrick would do this too me. I wanted to wake up and find myself back at home, when I was ten, before any of this happened. Before I made all the mistakes that lead me to this. Karma's a bitch.

I shut my eyes, even though this action was painful and let the memory of my parents happy and loving smiles consume me. I let their voices fill my head, their laughter, their smells...

God it was all my fault they died. It was all my fault. I was stupid. I did this... I'm the reason they're gone.

Maybe it was best if I died here. At least then I couldn't hurt anyone else. At least then they could all move on. I wouldn't blame Ollie if he ever denied having a Sister later in life... I would rather he did. My mistakes weren't his burdens to bare.

I heard movement around me, but I was used to this. They were just going to walk up to me, pour food/ force it into my mouth and walk away laughing as I chocked and struggled for air.

Instead, they kissed me.

It felt wrong. I had never been kissed before, because you weren't meant to until your Mate found you, but every fibre in my body was screaming in disgust and fury at this persons actions.

I pressed my lips together, refusing them entry, refusing to move with their motion. This was a bad idea. This just made them mad.

"Come on, you little bitch. Kiss me back or this is going to hurt." They yelled at me, forcing their lips onto mine again.

I cried out as they bit down hard on my bottom lip, blood flowing into my now open mouth. They're tongue roamed my mouth and they moaned, pulling me closer into their body.

I cried out again as my arms were pulled out of their sockets as they yanked me closer.

The man chuckled. "I'll make you scream soon..."

He moved away, stuggeling with his clothes. I heard them drop to the floor around me. I gulped as he crawled forward, toward me, his eyes gleaming with firecy lust.

Not again... Please god, not again...!




This is as good as I could do at the moment. I'm on Holidays and things are getting heckkers. I have cousins everywhere and I am in high demand to preform for Aunties and Uncles and to occupy little children! AHHH!

Not editied!

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