Chapter Twelve

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Mia’s POV

“Don’t touch me.” I snarled weakly at Patrick, who loomed over me in his wolf form. “Don’t you dare touch me.”

I could hear Maison and Brodie attempting to pry the door open from outside, while Ollie whined and cried as he tried to dig his way into my cell. Patrick shifted back into his human form and lumbered over to the door. Yanking a heavy sleeper off the ground be jammed it between the door frames, successfully blocking off the opening that he had previously gotten through.

Now, I was stuck with him; stuck with him in a small room, injured, scared and totally alone. No one was going to save me  now. Patrick turns on his heel and grins at me. He looks like the Joker; blood smeared up his face, making it look like his lips are stretched out in a sadistic smile.

He digs his hands into his pocket as he’s approaching me. With one move, he lungs, drawing the switch blade as he goes. I duck under his right arm and roll myself to the other side of the room, my body pounding into the wall with the force.

Patrick growls. “Stay still, you bitch.”

He lunges again, and in the small cell, it’s amazing I’m able to evade him again. I skid on the mud and slam into the wall again, ducking as his fist comes at my head. His knee comes up, knocking my broken arm, which has been unable to heel. I scream and fall forward onto my knees. Luckily, this allows me to evade his second swing at me with the blade.

I kick out at his thick legs, causing him to stumble on the uneven ground, falling against the walls. I roll out of the road, but his leg connects with my ribs, sending me flying into the opposite wall. With a huge bang, I hit the granite and fall to the floor, gasping for breath.

I force my eyes shut and gasp, pushing myself off the ground. I barely open my eyes when I’m flipped over onto my back. Patrick pins my arms behind my head and straddles my body. He pushes his knees down on my shoulders, holding me still.

He pushed the cold knife blade to my throat and I swallow. I’m going to die here.

“Why are you doing this to me?” I whisper as he remains silent, watching my face with a scary intensity.

Patrick ignores me and pulls the blade lightly across my skin. It doesn’t cut me, but it sends shivers up my shine.

And not the good kind.

“Pat.” I start, trying to focus my eyes on him.

“Don’t call me that!” He screams in my face, spit flying all over me. I cringe backwards into the dirt.

He grins at my reaction and draws the blade back around my throat.

“Why?” I repeat.

If I’m going to die anyway, I might as well find out why.

“You came back.” Patrick hisses. “And ruined everything.”

“What did I do?” I ask.

Patrick screams in frustration and curls his fist around my throat, chucking the blade aside. It falls to the ground beside my left arm. I reach out, keeping my eyes trained on Patrick, who is snarling at me in anger, and feel my fingertips hit the cool surface of the hilt.

“YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT!” Patrick screams, squeezing tighter around my neck.

I gasp for breath. “Found out what?” I arch my back, trying to release the pressure my airways are under.

Patrick only tightens his hold.

“That I killed them!” He roars, his face red with anger, beads of sweat falling down his face. “You are exactly like them! You have the gene!”

I let out a gurgled scream as I feel my head becoming heavy. My lungs are on fire and I can’t move. I swing my now healed arm up and begin clawing at Pat’s hand. “I can’t-… breath.” I gasp out.

Patrick laughs and lets me go for a moment. I gasp for air, getting my lungful, until his hands are back at my neck. “Gene?” I managed to croak.

Patrick snarls again. “You’re a white wolf. A white one. Your blood is powerful.” He spits to my left before returning his huge fiery eyes to me.

I can feel myself going this time, darkened spots appearing in front of my eyes. “Power?”

Patrick squeezes tighter and I claw at his hands, my legs beginning to shake. He’s going to kill me.

“You’re blood. It heals, it gives power! You weren’t meant to have it!” He screams. “Ben was! Ben was meant to die next!”

I gasp. It’s hard to describe suffocating. It feels like your being hugged really tightly around the middle. My lungs are burning with need for air, my head is pounding as my heart splutters away in my chest, fighting to keep itself going. It’s almost like being and living slow motion. Everything just begins to stop.

“But then those bastards made Maison Alpha and Ben became untouchable!” Patrick screams. “So I had to wait for someone to come along. Someone who had the gene.” He licks his lips. “And then you show up. You, who weren’t even supposed to be alive anymore, you who wasn’t even supposed to be werewolf, you who just so happened to have the Gene I had been waiting for.”

My hand becomes heavy beside me and I feel it fall of its own account onto the ground. I feel my eye lids flutter.

This is it.

I’m dying.

HOLD ON MIA! I hear Ollie scream inside my head.

I know he can feel me going. It’s a twin thing that will never go away. He’s my other half after all.

The door bangs open, but it sounds like I’m underwater. Patrick’s hand loosens in a flash as he growls at Maison, who is snarling and snapping from the broken door. I fling my eyes open and take a huge breath.

I don’t exactly know where the strength came from, but I reached out for the switch blade, and with one strong movement, I plunged it into Patrick’s leg. He howled in pain and jumped off me, scrambling away as he ripped out the knife. Maison barrelled into the room and charged straight at Patrick, his hackles raised.

Patrick leaps over Maison and out into the hallway. Brodie and Maison skid on the mud and follow him out, barking and growling.

I roll onto my stomach and let out a groan. I suck in a deep breath, coughing as I breathe in dirt. I feel a hand on my shoulder and let out a blood curdling scream.

“Mia, Mia, it’s me. It’s Oliver.”

I find myself being picked up and cradled against his chest. I don’t bother fighting him. I feel dizzy, like the world is spinning a million times faster. Ollie coos in my ear, telling me I’ll be okay. I feel my body start to go limp, and accept the darkness.


Okay, so you guys have done it. You guys have gotten me to upload. I have no idea why this story suddenly went for 1,024 reads to over 6,000 in a few weeks, but it did.

So I know this is a shitty chapter, but I have to re-get to know Mia and her brothers, because it's been nearly eight months since I updated.

I want to thank all of you so so so so much for reading this! Can you all do me a favour? I will update this again this week, if you guys could all go and check out my newest story 'Nothing Of Pleasure.'

Please Vote here and on any of my other stories please! 

Also if you like One Direction (EEEEEPPPPP!!!) Go read my fanfic.

I love you guys and if you can please do some of this stuff for me, than I will try and update a lot more often! 

xxx Kate!

P.S- What do you think is going to happen now? What do you hope will happen now? Favourite part of the Chapter!!!!????

Next chapter will get a Dedication to one of you amazing people!

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