Chapter Thirteen

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So this is going to be really short. I'm just warning you. I know I said that I would write a long chapter soon, but this is not that chapter. Why? you may be asking. Well 1) because I am swamped with three assignments and an Exam looming over my head. 2) Subject selections for Year Eleven and the classic "No, you should do this subject" from my Dad driving me insane! and 3) because I am so tired, I am falling asleep writing this and it's not even six thrity. 

Those are sad, shitty reasons I know. AND I know I'm letting all you beautiful people down but the thing is: Me and School come before Writing. Thats the sad, selfish truth. I'm really sorry!!!





"Tell me where she is, damn it!" I snapped, pounding my fist into the wall beside Brodie Evan's head.

We're standing in the hallway to the Pack House, just above the lounge room. He's here because I ordered him. And he will be staying until I find out exactly what I need to know. It's been over a week since the pack doctor realsed me from my room. And in that week I've been doing nothing but trying to find Mia.

Her brothers run from me when they see me coming. They clam up and only show themselves at school, where they know I can't do anything to them. The bastards won't let me see her.

And every day it hurts a little more.

He flinched, feeling the effects of my Alpha tone. "No." He growled.

I may be younger than him, but it's my birth right to be Alpha, so regardless of if he wants to or not, he will be telling me exactly where Mia is. And soon.

He grinds his teeth together so hard that I can hear it. His eyes are flashing dangerously, telling me he's totally on edge, but I don't care. Mia is mine, and I will rip anyone apart if they think or say otherwise.

"I'm under orders not to tell you." He hisses, pushing himself off the wall. He hits his shoulder with mine as he walks around me. "And Maison is my Alpha. Not you."

I snarl at him, feeling my teeth elongate in my mouth, pushing past my lips. Brodie's eyes get darker and I only have a moment before I'm flying backwards, crashing backwards into the wall behind me. Shaking off the pain erupting all over my back, I leap for Brodie, fazing as I go. I land on the ground, feeling light and free in my wolf form.

Brodie bares his teeth, lowering his head in a defensive stance. But even I can see the way his legs shake with the effort to hold him up. His wolf is protesting against disobeying his Alpha. I feel myself smirk, before lunging at his throat. Brodie ducks around me and latches himself onto my hind leg. I howl in pain and sink my teeth into his flank, shaking my head. His jaw unlocks from around my leg and I toss him sideways. 

As I let him go, the metalic taste of blood fills my mouth. I gag and spit out the wad of fur and flesh. Brodie whines for a moment before leaping to his feet, baring his teeth at me once again. 

You won't win this. I sneer at him.

Brodie licks his lips. Watch me.

He leaps at me again and I dodge his body, ducking as he flies over me, skidding to a stop at the top of the stairs. The hallway is littered with bits of wall and fallen plaster. If destruction on this level wasn't relativly normal in this place, my mother would kill me.

Stupidly concerntrating on the mess rather than the fight, Brodie manages to leap onto my back and sink his teeth into the back of my neck. I let out a high pitched yelp and try to buck him off. He sinks his teeth in harder, digging his claws into my flanks to keep himself attatched to me. 

 When he doesn't budge, I fall sideways onto the floor and roll, hoping to knock him off me that way. His paws come loose as I stand again and I try bucking him off again. Instead, he finds his footing and in one fluid movement, lifts me up off the ground and throws me into the air.

As most of you would have realised, Wolves can't fly because they are not apart of the bird family. We aren't apart of the Cat family either, so we don't exactly land on our feet....



The pain the erupts from my body is worse than anything I felt down in those tunnels. I grind my teeth together as the pain burns up the back of my neck. I must not scream.

Ollie is sleeping restlessly in a chair beside my bed, even though in the times I've been awake I've told him he needs to go get food and rest in his own bed, he is yet to get up except for toilet and shower breaks. He's becoming horribly thin; practically wasting away at my bed side.

Suddenly more pain erupts in my sides and I cant hold it back any longer. I scream my lungs out, until i can't scream anymore. Ollie shoots up out of his chair immediatly, his eyes half closed but alert.


I feel the tears seep out of my eyes, the pain subsiding slightly. I gasp, my breathing coming in short, interrupted bursts. Oliver leans over me looking paniked. I know he's about to ask whats wrong, but the truth is, I have no idea. The pain is excurciating, but I know it's not coming from broken stitches or any other injuries.

With another scream escaping my lungs, I feel my sides burn with pain. Then it hits me.

Hits me like a ton of bricks.


Before I was captured, I knew he was my Mate. I knew I never even considered having one, let alone being with them, but with Saxon... it's different.

The whole time I was in that hole, being beaten and tapped for my blood, I didn't plead for my brothers like I thought I would. I pleaded for Saxon.

I pleaded for him to come and save me. To take me away and promise to never let anything happen to me ever again. It had taken me a whole week after waking up to find out what happened to him. Saxon had been found badly beaten by the side of the road, near where I had been taken. He'd been in 'hospital', but a week ago was let out.

He still hasn't come to visit me. 

And every day it hurts a little more.

Suddenly Maison's looming over me, puffing. Ever since Patrick got away, he hasn't stopped patrolling the boarder as much as he possibly can. He won't forgive himself for letting him get away.

"Mia!" He yells at me, shaking my shoulders. "Mia. Sweetie, talk to me. Whats happening?"

I shake my head and scream again, the pain travelling down my back. I can barely breath and he wants me to explain something I don't even understand! But the word escapes my lips before I can stop it. "Mate."

Maison's eyes widen in knowledge, Ollie frowns in confusion. Maison turns on Ollie. "Who is it?" He yells at Ollie. "I need to know who it is. Now!"

Oliver watches me and when I arch my back, yelping in another bout of searing pain, he caves. "Saxon! Saxon's her mate!"

Maison's eyes return to me. "Can you contact him, Ollie?"

Oliver pauses for a moment, before looking at Maison with grave eyes, shaking his head.

Then it clicks.

"Where's Brodie?" Maison snarles. 

Ollie shakes his head. "He left an hour ago. He said he'd be "summonded". I don't know what that means."

"Shit." Maison snaps under his breath. He looks up at Ollie. "He's gone to get Saxon."

I can't hear anything else because my body explodes in pain. Everywhere hurts. Every single inch of my body. My eyes feel heavy as the tears stream. 

Everything goes black.



Hope you liked it!

Question: WHATS HAPPENING? Does anyone know??? ;)

Until next time gorgeous people.

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