Chapter Seven

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Mia's POV


I switched into a defencive position, my canines pushing there way out of my gums. I snarled at him, Saxon moving forward a little to back me up.

"Oh, what a brave little Luna." He cooed.

I raised an eyebrow as he called me the name of a Female Alpha, but I shook it off.

His hand reached out to me and he turned it so that the back of his hand traced my jaw. I shivered at the intamacy of the notion, cringing at how violated and gross it made me feel. "I've been looking for you for awhile." He cooed again.

"Mia, watch out!" Saxon yelled and I turn around just in time to see Saxon go wolf before a bag was slipped over my head and I was engulfed in darkness, a scream dying in my throat.


I couldn't see anything. My body ached, the muscles complaining greatly as I rolled onto my back, cringing as I rolled into something wet.

I took a deep breath, quickly realising I was lying in mud or some kind of earthy substance. My hands and feet were bound, completely hog-tied behind my back. I heard movement to my left and froze, blinking as my eyes adjusted too the dark room.

I could make out a doorway, which was made of some kind of thick steel, a small opening at its base, for god knows what. There was no handle. I blinked again, noticing that the only light in the room was faint and coming from under the door.

I could immediatly tell I was under the ground, in some kind of cave or tunnel system. I quietly, forced my self into a keeling positon, which hurt like hell, given that my arms were tied to my legs behind my back. Using the wall as a leaning post, I pushed my head into the soil and flipped my body up, into a painful position, giving me a full veiw of the room in front of me.

I could see something moving in the corner fatherest from me. I tensed, trying to make out if the thing was friend or foe.

I sniffed the air. It wasn't a scent I recognised... either that or the smell of the soil was completely stuffing up my nose. I shuffled forwards as silently as possible, moving along the wall, until I found myself beside the door. Hooking my hands under the small flap in the door, I pushed the corner of the metal flap between my bound hands and started to saw it back and forth, feeling the bonds giveway slightly as I severed the first rope.

I grunted as the blood started flowing back into my hands, causing them to convulse with pain.

Suddenly, I paused, hearing movement from somewhere in the tunnels. Whoever they were, they were approuching here fast.

I unlatched my self from the door and crawled/face planted my way over to the spot I had started in, falling into the same uncomfortable position. A minute later, the door swung open.

I sniffed the air, recongising the scent of the man from the woods.

He laughed quietly, sounding like the Murderer from those movies I hate. I heard him moving closer too me. Suddenly he knelt down beside me, his fingers trailing down my jaw.

"Morning, Luna." He said huskily, making me shiver in disgust. "Have a nice sleep?"

I snarled at him, snapping at his fingers. "Don't touch me." I spat at him.

He laughed. "I'll do whatever I want too you, little Luna." He flipped me over so that I was pressed against his body. He was shirtless and sweaty and smelt of earth and blood. His breath reeked of Raw meat. His hands trailed down my body, moving over my stomach and under my shirt. He ran his colloused hands along my back, stopping at my hip bone.

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