Scene 40 - 41

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[Avengers are gathered in a private lounge room]

BL.WIDOW: So, honestly, what do you think about these X-Men, or whatever?

IRON MAN: I said it once and I said it again; I don't play well with others.

THOR: But Man of Iron, what about those times you jested with that green man... Dr... Dr... (tries to think of the name)

IRON MAN: Bruce?

THOR: Yes! Bruce!

[BL.WIDOW starts crying and leaves, bumping into HAWKEYE on the way out. HAWKEYE is on the phone to LOKI]

HAWKEYE: Thor, it's for you. It's Loki.

[HAWKEYE hands THOR the phone. THOR looks at it curiously, not knowing how it works. HAWKEYE puts the phone to THOR's ear]

THOR: Ah, brother! How in the nine realms did you manage to turn yourself into this midgarding contraption?!

[THOR exits. Everyone rolls their eyes]

ANTMAN: Seriously, apart from Tony, is everyone cool with the whole mutant thing- are we still going to turn them in?

BL.PANTHER: The X-Men have proven themselves that they are trying to do right by humanity. So we should do right by them.

IRON MAN: ...Geez, that's deep! A bit too deep for (checks watch) one in the afternoon. Here have some of this.

[Gives BL.PANTHER a glass of alcohol which BL.PANTHER stares curiously at]

IRON MAN: What about you, Capcial? You think we can trust these freaks?

CAP. AMERICA: I don't think it just a matter of trust anymore. This Brotherhood of Evil Mutants could mean bad business and if we have any chance of stopping them, then we'll need all god damn help we can get!

[CAP.AMERICA stands up in triumph]

ANTMAN: Speaking of help, guess who we have?

[ANTMAN goes to the door and pokes his head out]

ANTMAN: (whispers) You can come in now.

[Avengers give each other weird looks. Enter WIN.SOLDIER]


CAP.AMERICA: (squeals) BUCKY?!

[CAP.AMERICA hugs WIN.SOLDIER. IRON MAN takes another mouthful of alcohol]

IRON MAN: (mutters) God, I wish Bruce was here!

HAWKEYE: Wait, so you were just waiting out there all this time?

Cut to:


[MYSTIQUE wakes up in the basement. PRO.X watches on from the other side of the door]

PRO.X: Hello, Raven.

MYSTIQUE: What do you want?

PRO.X: Tell me what Erik is planning for Wanda Maximoff.

MYSTIQUE: (curiously walks towards PRO.X) Don't you know? (pause) It doesn't take a psychic to figure out what Magneto's planning. By now, he will have that little witch right where he wants her and then there will be nothing you can do.

[MYSTIQUE smiles evilly. Intense stare off]

PRO.X: ...This isn't who you are Raven. You can still change-

MYSTIQUE: (turns her back to PRO.X) Ha. After all these years? ...You truly are as blind as Magneto says! You don't get it do you? You can't even see what's happening right in front of your damn face! Magneto is going to change the world- a world where mutants are at the top of the food chain!

[PRO.X turns and wheels away. MYSTIQUE evils laughs]

Cut to:

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