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53         INT. AVENGER'S BASE (LOUNGE ROOM) - DAY (one week later)

[CAP.AMERICA is sitting in the lounge looking at the paper. FALCON is teaching WIN.SOLDIER & THOR how to use a computer]

FALCON: Ok, so now you just click-

IRON MAN: (angry) STEVE!

[Enter (angry) IRON MAN. IRON MAN stops in front of CAP.AMERICA who doesn't acknowledge him. IRON MAN slaps away CAP.AMERICA's paper]

IRON MAN: Where. Is. It?

CAP.AMERICA: (sighs) Where is what?

IRON MAN: My alcohol!

CAP.AMERICA: I don't know.

[IRON MAN intensely glares at CAP.AMERICA]

IRON MAN: (points at CAP.AMERICA) If I find out you had anything- ANYTHING- to do with my missing alcohol, I swear; THERE. WILL. BE. WAR!

[IRON MAN exits. CAP.AMERICA fixes his paper and looks at the other Avengers]

CAP.AMERICA: Any of you take it?

[WIN.SOLDIER looks to FALCON, FALCON looks to THOR, (guilty) THOR exits]


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