Scene 45 - 50

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[ANTMAN, CAP.AMERICA & WIN.SOLDIER break in through the air-vents]

ANTMAN: What now?

CAP.AMERICA: We locate Wanda and Vision while the others have the Brotherhood distracted.

WIN.SOLDIER: How are suppose to know where they are.

[SCAR.WITCH screams off camera]

CAP.AMERICA: (shrugs) We follow the screams.

[SCAR.WITCH continues screaming. ANTMAN, CAP.AMERICA & WIN.SOLDIER run down the hall]

Cut to:

46          WOODS - NIGHT

[Battle continues]

Cut to:


[PRO.X is sitting in deep thought- eyes close. MYSTIQUE comes up behind him, resting her hands on his shoulders]

PRO.X: Raven. (pause) Tell me I did the right thing- by letting them go.

[MYSTIQUE pours herself a drink]

MYSTIQUE: (pause) There are things even you can't predict, Charles. (turns and faces PRO.X) If your mutants and the Avengers succeed, then you will be hailed a hero but if they fail (pause- walks to PRO.X) then you will have their blood on their hands.

[MYSTIQUE finishes her glass and turns to leave]

PRO.X: We can still help you, Raven.

[MYSTIQUE stops in the door way but does not turn around]

MYSTIQUE: (smirks) Until we meet again, Charles.

Cut to:


[WOLVERINE, BEAST & CYCLOPS break in through the air vents]

Cut to:

[Montage of different feet running in different directions. Sound: heavy breathing and grunts]

Cut to:

49           WOODS - NIGHT

[Battle continues]

Cut to:


[ANTMAN, CAP.AMERICA & WIN.SOLDER and WOLVERINE, BEAST & CYCLOPS come from two different halls and bump into each other- they fall into a big pile. Stumble to get up]

WOLVERINE: Watch it!

CAP.AMERICA: You found Wanda and Vision, yet?

CYCLOPS: No. What about Magneto?

[Screams increase. ANTMAN looks directly at the camera]

ANTMAN: Guys...

[The others look the same way]

WIN.SOLDIER: What's the chances they're behind that door?

BEAST: Highly possible. Very highly possible.

[ANTMAN, WOLVERINE, CAP.AMERICA, WIN.SOLDIER, BEAST & CYCLOPS line up and advance towards the camera dramatically]

Cut to:

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