The phone

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                          I waited for what seemed like forever, but finally the phone turned on by it's self once it has enough charge. Now I was debating on to open it, do I want to know? Now, I'm not even sure of myself. Walking through the house thinking about the phone, do I want to know, do I want to know? Of course I do, I think. I go sit in the living room, wondering what could be on the phone and wondering why am I so scared to look. I look at the clock it's not 6:59, Cathy should be up in one minute. I can't wait another minute so I text first "ARE YOU UP?" Almost right away she text back " I am Now" Then I text "GET OVER HERE". It was less than ten minutes and she want pounding on my door. I let her in and tell her to sit. "Cathy, I had a dream about Silas then woke up. I walked down here because I couldn't sleep, then I heard this beeping sound. I found a phone in one of Silas's suits the phone died I charged it now I am scared to look." Her face said it all really "Oh my Lisa why didn't you call or text when you found it?" " I was scared you were sleeping" She jumps up and said "What are you waiting for?" I walk to the kitchen grabbing my drink and going out back one more time to smoke. I just lit my cigarette and Cathy walked out there with the phone holding it up she said "is this it? I found on charge laying on the floor in the office?" I shook my head yes. We both sit down and she opened it. Going through the text she said "Lisa are you sure you want to see this? It might bother you more" Deep down I didn't want to, but I did. I took the phone and looked through some of the text.
 First text- Hey Sexy when can I see you again? 
 Second text- I miss you, thank you for the other night  
 Third text - I will there in five minutes
 Fourth text- I love you so much, I wish you were here with us.  
 Fifth text- You were so great, I wish every night could be like that 
I stopped reading them because I didn't feel good. I felt the tears starting to drop. Cathy yells "Don't you dare!!! Plus how did the phone stayed charged that long?" I was still wondering that same thing. James is suppose to stop by I will ask him maybe he knows. Lighting up another one I never smoke like this, but I can't help it. I open it back up it was at 33% charged, I open up call activity and there is tons of different names. Some say Great, good, better, sexy, nice ass and big throat. I really can't believe what I am reading. This is what he put the names under, then I stopped going back to his text and reading the fourth one again. "I wish you were here with us" What does that mean? Did he have threesomes? I click reply and text "Hi" Almost right away I get a text back "Where have you been? I have been trying to reach you for months now? Ethan misses you so much he keeps asking about his daddy". I drop the phone and run to the bathroom. Crying and getting sick, I couldn't help it and Cathy runs in the bathroom holding my hair back asking me what is going on? I tell her too look at the phone again there is something new. I am sitting on the bathroom floor trying to stop crying, but can't. Cathy walks in and said "Lisa this is big, Silas's has another son, they don't know he passed away either. What are you going to do?" I have no idea, I really don't. I wish I could have never found that phone nor looked at it. I walk back out side and just sit there.

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