Letter on the door

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                             I sit there on the porch wondering who this could be I see the car drive past a few more times and then finally picking up a rock and throwing it at the car, hitting it. It stopped and this women got out. She said "What are you doing?" I said "Why do you keep showing up everywhere I am and what do you want? Did you leave this letter on my door?" She said "I'm not suppose to tell you nothing, just suppose to find out what you are doing is all" What does that mean and who is talking about? Cathy runs out to her car which is stopped in the road and jumped in her passenger seat and yelled "TELL US NOW WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING". I heard the lady say "I will tell you if you at least me park." Cathy stayed in the car and the lady backed up into my driveway right behind James's car. James then pulled in with my car got out and said "What's going on?" We are trying to figure it out too. Then the woman said " Here's whats going on, my cousin's name is Taylor she was sleeping with Silas, once she found out he passed away he has been going crazy she loved him so much and missed him up until two days I didn't know he was married. She still has a key to your house and she has been talking about stopping by" Jane and I looked at each other and I got this feeling it was Taylor that was here downstairs when I thought I heard something. It had to be, because Jane and I both heard something. James then said "After tonight that will change, we are changing the locks first things tomorrow morning." Now I am starting to wondering how many times she was over here without me knowing? Then I start to wondering why she is telling us? Before I got to ask Cathy already did, then the lady said "Well, because Taylor is really starting to lose her mind Silas was her first I figured if it were me I would want to know. Plus I don't know what her next move is so I have been wanting to tell you what was going on, she is really starting to scare me." I walk out to her car shake her hand then give her a hug, saying "Thank you for telling me at least and please don't tell her I know anything" The woman said "Promise if I find out anything I will tell you" Then she got back into her little ford focus and drove off.  I sit back on the porch looking over at James and said "What did you go to the store for?" He laughed and said "After all that you wonder why I went to the store?" I don't know, that was the first thing I thought about for some reason. Then he said " You never said nothing about Silas sleeping with Taylor, he never told me neither." I walk inside and make some coffee, I have been trying to drink coffee more than wine now a days. While waiting for it to brew, I walk upstairs to change my clothes when James walked in while I was topless and said "Very Nice indeed" I smile and covered my chest, he walked over to me and started kissing my neck laying me down on the bed "Let me help you get out of these clothes" Pulling my pants off and rubbing my legs it felt so nice. He bend down pulling my legs on his shoulders and barring his face between my legs it felt so good.  My upper body falls back on the bed as I scream out in ecstasy. Then he stopped standing in front of me leaning down kissing my breast and then my lips, he said "Great taste" He already had his pants off and pushing me to the middle of the bed he gets between my legs pushing his self in me. It felt even better. He goes faster and faster than before and harder, I can feel as everything is building up and then climax. Wrapping my legs around his hips trying to get him to stop because I couldn't take it, I now the meaning of pleasure and pain at the same time, this was it. It was getting painful, but yet still very pleasurable. I couldn't get him to stop and then I climax again. I have never done that twice in a row before. This time he kept going four or five times before he stopped when he finally climaxed he had his hand under my head and he grabbed my hair pulling it and went again about five more times, finally I came AGAIN this time I couldn't go anymore and was begging him to stop. It felt like this very very big hot flash and a slight shock, but in a good way all throughout my body and once he got off of me. I got really cold and covered up. I didn't even want to move, but I knew I had to get up and change my sheets I could feel the wetness under me. I get up put on a rode for now and change my sheets luckily I have a few clean sheets in my closets. I walk into the bathroom and jump in the shower, because now I felt like I needed one after that and plus moving Silas's things and everything else that went on today. I then get out and put some night clothes on. Getting ready to walk down stairs, I walk pass Alley's room and start missing my babies A LOT. Then I walk pass Luke's room and James is in there on the phone I can hear him talking to someone he said "I don't want to go, you can but it won't change nothing. We aren't getting back together Sara" Oh it's his ex-wife. After that kind of sex, I can see why she would want him back he is amazing. 

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