Meeting Her

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                              The kids are gone and I should be getting ready to go meet Silas's other woman. I am nervous about doing this, then I have to tell her about Silas. Maybe after I tell her who I am she will walk off and I won't get the chance to ask her about the little boy. This was going through my head over and over. I get dressed, do my hair and then my make-up. Walking down stairs Jane, Cathy and James was sitting in the living room and James "I think I will take that rain check now" I smiled and said " I don't think so". I get my keys and my purse I had 20 minutes before I had to meet her and I needed 5 of them to get air. I walk outside take a few deep breaths and walk out to the car. The other three said they will follow me in James car. I head over to the cafe and pull up. I wasn't sure, but I think I see her sitting by the window looking out of it. I get out, we made eye contacts through the window then I walk inside. Walking over to her very nervous I said "Excuse me are you expecting Silas?'' She just looked up at me and replied "While yes, Yes I am and you are?" I held my hand out shaking hers and said "I'm Silas's wife" Her face dropped and eyes got big"You are Silas's wife? What are you doing here? Where is Silas?" I say "May I sit?" She just gave me a crazy look and said '' I guess" I sit down and kept my purse close because I wanted to ask her about the pictures. I said " I have a few questions, but how long have you been seeing Silas?
 "We have been seeing each other for quite sometime, at first it was two years. Then I didn't hear from him for a year. Now it's about 1 1/2 up until a few months ago I haven't heard from him. How is he?"
 " I hate to be the one to tell you, but Silas passed away. He committed suicide, I found this phone in a box of his suits and seen the text, then I found a safe with pictures"                                                          There were tears in her eyes, then rolling down her face. I could tell she was upset. I didn't want to comfort her, he mine in the first place. I just sit there waiting for her to say something, anything. Then She said "I'm sorry to hear that" Then I pulled the pictures out of my purse and said "This little boy in the pictures who is he?" She took the pictures and said "That is my son, at first Silas and I thought he was the father and three months ago I have the DNA test, but he isn't the dad. I have been trying to get a hold of him to tell him, but you just told me the reason I haven't heard from him. My son is 3 he will be 4 in a couple months, I was going to wait until I talk to Silas so both of us could tell him that he isn't the dad. I guess I will have to tell him alone."                                                                                   I sit there in some relieve. I really didn't have anymore questions I just wanted to know if he had another family.  The lady said a few more things, but I really didn't hear it after she was done. I got up shook her hand and said "I must be going now, I thought I would tell you about Silas"
 She didn't say nothing and I walked out Jane, Cathy and James were sitting the car. James rolled the window down and said "How was it? Does he have another son?" I said "No, the kid isn't his" I turn around getting into my car and she is still looking at the window watching me not taking her eyes off. I back out and leave heading back home. I thought they were all behind me, but when I pulled in the driveway they weren't. I walk inside to an empty house, but it felt kind of nice I wanted and needed alone time. I walk upstairs run hot bath water turn on the jets and grab my book. I was excited about this, more than normal.  I step in the hot bubbly water and slide down slowly taking it in and enjoying it. I didn't even pick up my book I laid against the back and closed my eyes. Finding my self falling asleep I get out, put on my night and get under my blanket. I didn't hear anyone down stairs, I wonder where they could have went.
 I spoke to soon, I hear the door open, just as I got comfortable and Cathy yelling "We got you some food Lisa" I walk down stairs feeling famished, but was to tired to get something or cook.

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