Throwing things out

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                                I grab some more bags and start packing his clothes James went to get boxes and Cathy was talking to her parents on the phone they agreed to keep the kids another night, but really there was no need to ask. Her parents would keep them all the time. Jane was getting stuff in the kitchen together. I told her everything that was bad, throw away and all the good stuff sit to the side I would give it to the neighbor. My mom called me while I was packing she said "Lisa I was wondering if your father and I could keep the kids this weekend? We don't get to see them as much as we like to or you." I told her that was fine and I would call her back. James walked in with tons and tons of boxes, more bags and tape. Cathy starts putting boxes together and Jane took over all the food that was good to the neighbor. I packed up towels and wash clothes blankets pillows, shower curtains, curtains and wall decor and took it over to the neighbor. She opened the door and I had about seven big boxes full for her. She started crying and wrapped her arms around me and said "I don't know how to thank you for this you are a life saver." I look around her place and this girl had nothing. There was a 20'' box TV on the floor an air bed in front of it just laying in the living room and two lawn chairs. She said "I would invite you in, but as you can see I don't have much. Sorry" I tell her "You're fine I have to finish packing, but would you be interested in more things?" She said "Please, if you can, but what about you why are you giving me this?" I looked at her and said "I don't need it, I just found out my dead husband had this apartment. I had no idea and I don't want anything." She started crying. I just said "Give me ten minutes." Walking back next door, I ask for every ones help to move the couch, love seat and chair over to the girls place, they looked at me like I was crazy because it was nice stuff, but I didn't need nor did I want it. Cathy went to one end and James at the other and started moving it out Before they got it out the door I went back next door and when the girl answered I said "You said you needed everything, '' they started making their way into her apartment with everything she did nothing but cry and cry and kept saying "thank you so much."
 Once they had all that in there I told her if I found anything else I would bring it over and James said what about the tables and chairs. I looked at the girl and said "I can have all this for free? There is no way I can pay though I feel bad." I said "Don't even think nothing about it you can have this all." James and Cathy take over the dining table and chairs and the coffee table and two end tables, night stand and dresser and even the washer and dryer. Once everything was done we still had to finish packing his things and cleaning. Jane said "Lisa I found this box" I looked in it and there were pictures of naked women, looks like they were taken throughout the whole apartment. In the bedroom, bathroom, living room kitchen hallway. I couldn't believe it, there was even some with Silas naked beside them. I slowly sink to the floor and scream. Cathy and Jane walked in the bedroom and seen it too. Cathy sighed really loud. I take the box and the clothes out to my car putting them in the trunk. There was this car that went back twice already and it was a lady who kept looking at me while she was passing. I shut the trunk and turn around and there she was again sitting in her car just looking at me. Then I realized it was the woman from the Cafe I went to, when I had lunch with Melody. Is she following me? I went to walk over to her car and she drove off. I walk back inside and finish packing his things. Only taking three boxes home with me and giving the rest to the neighbor. I swept the carpets and shut and locked the door, then gave the sweeper to the neighbor also. James was turning the key in. The guy gave me a week, but we got this done in eight hours it's now 9:44pm. The office manger lived right beside the office and James just knocked and handed him the keys. I gave the girl the sweeper and was getting ready to leave when I heard "WAIT" Looking back the girl ran up to me hugging me really tight and said "THANK YOU, I really don't know how to repay you what to think or say you are truly a great person." I couldn't help it I felt one tear fall and hugging her back and said "You are more than welcome I am glad someone could use it, I was about to throw it all out." Walking to the car I can't believe we got that one in a night and manged to help out a struggling young soon to be mother. I drive home, while James, Cathy and Jane are all talking. Pulling up I see something on my door. Getting out of the car and walking to the door, it was a letter taped on my door. It said "Lisa you are a bitch for getting rid of Silas's things. I loved him and his things." Looking around wondering who could have wrote this and why they wrote this? I show it Cathy and Jane looking for James, but Cathy said "He said he would be right back he had to run to the gas station, you left your keys in the car so he took your car." I sit on the porch reaching in my purse to grab a cigarette because James has my house keys and Jane's keys are inside we are locked out. 

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