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                                  I run right inside not saying a word to anyone and going into the office looking for that key. James said "Hey what is going on?" Then I seen Cathy and Jane standing right behind him. I said "Apparently Silas had an apartment 4548 Elm St, I found a key the other day and now I am looking to see if that is it and I need to look around there." I pull out everything, finally I found it in the desk drawer. Walking out of the office I almost trip on something because I now had this place a mess, they all three said at the same time "I'm going" I grab  my purse and head out, they get in my car and we head to Elm st. I pull up out front just sitting there for a few minutes looking at the building. Cathy put her hand on my back and said "You can do this lets go" I walk up the side walk looking at the numbers I finally found his, 4548. I put the key in and turn it unlocked. Wondering how he even had it still because it's been six months. It was kind of cold in there, but the light were still on. There was about 38 letters in front of the door. Looks like they were slid under the door. Opening them up, it said "Electric is due". On most of them, then some said "Please contact our office." Putting them in my purse walking around looking at everything it felt cold and dark for some reason. There was a couch, love seat and chair, then looking over a nice dining table walking more into the apartment, it was two bedrooms. One room looked like a gym/office and one was an actually bedroom. There was a dresser, night stand, bed, bathroom and double door closet. I open the closet and there were some of his things. Looking around it was like I was married to a stranger. How could I have never known about this for some long, I wonder how long he had this place?" Then I heard "HELLO, who is in here? Silas? Silas?" Walking into the living room stood a man with a dress shirt and jeans on. He said "Who are you and where is Silas we have been trying to get in touch with him for months now, the electric is due and we keep getting his bill in the office. We have been paying it, because it has to stay on, but the gas and water got shut off." I held my hand out and said "How do you do? I'm his wife Lisa and just discovered that he had this apartment. How long has he had it and how is it that he didn't get evicted for past due rent?" The man said " I can't answer that you have to talk to him." I put my head down and said "Please sir, he passed away six months ago" I sit down on the chair the man shut the front door as he walked farther into the apartment and sat down also. He said "Oh honey I'm sorry to hear that, he has been here for three years he pays for a full year up front every time when he signs a yearly lease. He still has two more months left here." Jane Cathy and James were still in the bedroom. I am just sitting there in shock. He said "I tell you what, you can take all his things and because he paid for the full year and still had two months left I will write off the electric bill charges." Then I ask " how much is rent here?" He said it's $770 a month, but since he pays for the full year up front we give him a discount it should be $9420.00, but he pays $8500.00  The first year though he didn't get that discount, but the last lease and this one he did." That would explain a lot more, when we had money missing and he said he would figure it out and take care of it. now I know.  I ask the man "Can you give me three or four days to get this stuff, I have two children and need to arrange for help and a sitter" He smiled and said "Ms.Lisa I can give you a week if that would help you out more, we try to be pretty fair here at Elm Cliff luxury homes" I smile and shake his hand he walks out and I shut and locked the door. Walking back into the bedroom, Cathy said "We hear everything." James was sitting on the bed and I said "I don't think that would be a good idea, you don't who had been in there." He jumped up looking back down at the bed. I walk over pull the sheets off and pushing the bed over so it's standing and leaning against the wall. "I want this out of here before I do anything." James and Cathy take the bed out and put it beside the dumpster and Jane found a box of trash bags I throw the sheets away. Then I sit on the box spring, when we hear a knock at the door. James answers it. It was a women, my first thought was oh great is this one of Silas's women? Then I heard her say, " is the bed in the trash?"  James said "Yes" Then she said "Ok, I just moved in a day ago and have nothing, so I am going to take it." I can't believe she would take someones used bed. I walk into the living room and it was a young girl maybe 18 or 19. I say "Are you OK?" Then she said "I just moved here a day ago, my parents paid for six months rent, but nothing more. I have nothing and they kicked me out because I was pregnant before marriage." I just look at her and said " What apartment, she was right beside Silas's and I said "Give me an hour and I can give you a few more things." She smiled and said "THANK YOU".

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