Chapter 25

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A Thug's Love Never Dies: Chapter 25

~Lexis P.O.V.~

I crawled into bed and wrapped my arms around Nelle and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~8 Hours Later~

I woke up and let my eyes adjust to the light in the room. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 7:06. I got out and stretched. I slept hella good especially with Nelle right up against my chest the entire night.

I rubbed my face and walked to the bathroom to clean myself up. I took a fast 10 minute shower, brushed my teeth and did the rest of my hygiene. As for my outfit I had my black trues, a red hoodie, and my red converse. I walked down to the hall to Varo's room.

"Man wake up." I knocked on his door. His ass was snoring so loud. I opened the door and he was passed the fuck out. I thought it would be hella funny to bring in King and let him lick his face but we aint got time to be messin around.

"Varo get yo ass up." I was tuggin on his earring

"I'm up Im up, stop pullin my shit, God damn" He just rolled over so his back was towards me.

"Varo get up I aint even playin no more." I pulled his earring again

"Man knock that shit off!' He turned around and punched me right in the stomach

"Ow what the fuck!" I jumped on him and started throwin punches at him

"Who wakes a nigga up like that!" he yelled as he rolled us off the bed, we was still throwin punches and that shit actually hurt!

"Are you two fucking serious?" Nelle stood there with her hands on her hips, with that 'nigga please' look,

"Man I'm scared, that's you fiancé, make her stop!" He yelled in my ear. I restrained myself from laughing

"Sorry Nelle, I was gettin his ass up and he wouldn't get up then it escalated to this." I looked directly at Alvaro and started muggin him

"As long as y'all up, I'm finna go make breakfast." She looked at me then Alvaro before walkin downstairs.

"Man I actually felt scared, we cool right?" He held out his hand

"I felt the fear, like shit, and yee we cool." I dapped him and helped him up. "Get dressed" I said before I went downstairs. I wasn't really hungry or nothin so I just sat on the couch playin with my phone.

After about a good 20 minutes Alvaro came down lookin pissed

"Man you busted my lip" He said as he held his lower lip

"Oops man I'm s-"

"I look so fuckin bad ass, once this shit goes away I'm gonna get it pierced, that shit look fly as fuck." He walked off to the kitchen with a look of content on his face. The things he finds amusing is beyond anyone's understanding.

It was about 8:40 when we were finally heading out the door. The lab wasn't even that far away. We piled into my car and off we were.

~10 Minutes Later~

I parked the car and took a deep breath, I'm praying this little boy isn't mine, I looked over and saw Nelle nervous as hell. She looked pale in the face and her breathing increased.

"Nelle, calm down, take deep breaths." She nodded her head and we all got out. I saw Leah pull up in her car. How much I hated this bitch.

She got out and this little boy came out. He looked like his mom cause he ain't look nothin like Trey or Ty. It relieved me a bit but Trey and Ty look nothin like Nelle but Nelle still their mother.

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