1 - New Job

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I was never an early bird but today was so important that I had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning. This new job as an assistant producer is going to change my life! All those years in school are actually gonna pay off! I took a shower and started to get ready for my big day. I wore my lucky socks with my converse and a plain white blouse with some black pants. I thought I looked a little to uptight. But then I thought who am I trying to impress? I started to wonder if I would meet anyone famous. I don't think I should get my hopes up just yet though.

Once I was ready I took off to the studio. Even though I had directions they weren't specific enough. I started to panic and hoped that I would find it before I was late. That would be a good first impression. I finally found the spot with the help from some random guy I saw walking on the street. I felt so relieved. I was 10 minutes early. I'm never early to anything!

I parked the car and entered the building. I'm not the kind of person to get nervous but honestly I thought I was gonna start sweating. I went to the front desk where I saw a girl about my age typing furiously on her computer. She had red long hair and was pale. Really pretty.

"Excuse me?" I said trying not to be so ignorant.

Without pausing her typing or looking up she said, "You must be Emily. Congrats on becoming assistant producer, Red One is in the studio right down the hall behind me."

"Thanks." I said walking off.

"No problem." I heard her say.

I started to become nervous each step I took down that hall. What if I do something wrong? What if he hates me? What was I thinking doing a job like this? Before I knew it I was standing right in front of the studio door. I knocked on it lightly.

The door swung open almost instantly and there stood Red One.

"Oh I thought you were my boys." He chuckled to himself. "At least you came on time."

Boys? I just smiled.

"Hello Emily."

"Good morning sir." We shook hands.

"No need to call me Sir. You can call me Red."

"Okay Red. So anything I can help you get started with?"

"Well I mine as well give you a small tour of the studio first because the boy band that is supposed to be here right now are late as usual. They probably will use traffic as an excuse but most of the time they go to Starbucks."

I smiled again. I wondered what boy band but I didn't ask. The control room we were already in was really nice. Leather seats, wooden floor, and the sound/mixing board was HUGE! He only showed me a couple of what the buttons do. Some I already knew from school. He'd promised me I'd learn more in the future. The vocal "booth" was more like a big room and the microphones and speakers were top branded. There were guitars hanging on the wall and pictures of achievements that Red One has accomplished with different artists. It was truly amazing.

"Well I guess that's it for now Em. Is that okay if I call you that?"

"It's totally fine and thanks this studio is really awesome." That sounded so unprofessional. Wish I could take it back.

He laughed. "Why thank you. Let's wait inside the control room until my artists show up. I'd say they be here in about 10."

I was still dying to know who they were. We waited for about 10 minutes more and just as he said we heard a knock on the door.

"Finally." he said as he got up to open the door.

He opened it and five very attractive boys walked in. Who were they?

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