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I got home to our cabin, and was bombarded with hellos and smiles. These people will do whatever so mom likes them it's quite funny. I smiled politely at them all but none of them were him.

That's right I have a crush. His name is Damien, but not the one my mom used to be mates with. Ew, no. He's like way older than me and died. So I'd be liking an old skeleton. That's disgusting.

No Damien is tall and handsome, he's probably 6'4 towering my 5'3 stature. His eyes are green like emerald and his blonde hair is beautiful. He has a cute smile, with some dimples.

Anyway he goes to werewolf school so he doesn't come back until winter break. Which stinks but it's whatever I guess.

Walking up the wooden stairs is difficult. I'm not the most balanced person so life is hard. And then when you have little siblings who find it so funny to trip you, life isn't that easy.

I walked into my giant blue room and practically jumped on my bed. I needed the comfort of my bed. I got under the fuzzy blankets and fell asleep.
~~~~~~ HER DREAM~~~~~~
I was running through the woods laughing, someone was chasing me and they made me feel so happy and content with them. Their laughter could be heard miles away.

Warm arms wrapped around me, his smell was intoxicating. This was my mate I could tell. He laid his head on mine. I couldn't see him but I knew he was tall having to bend way over.

"I love you December."
"I love you too Blake."
"And because I love you I have to do this."

He swooped me in his arms and started tickling me. I looked into the green eyed mans eyes and saw how beautiful he really is. Brown hair, green eyes, tan. The whole cliché package.

"Blake s-stop."
"Nope I can't, I love you too much to stop." I laughed and squealed more, he stopped and took me to our favorite spot. It was a tree that hung over a lake. The tree was ginormous, you would walk across this branch and then you could jump or sit over the lake.

"So December I need to talk to you."
"You were before what's holding you back now?"
"I'm leaving for a couple of months."
"Oh. Why?"
"Dads making me go to Alpha training. You should go too though, because you're about to be an Alpha, we could go together."
"Yeah. I'll just wait for you to get back."
~~~~~~ Present~~~~~~
That was a weird dream though. But I suddenly feel this pull to go to an Alpha school. I don't know what it is but the pull is so strong it's driving me crazy.

I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs hoping mom and dad were home. I saw the twins playing with each other, on the PS4. They got it for their seventh  birthday this year.

"Hey guys where's mom and dad?"
"In the kitchen." They responded like robots. They always say the same thing at the same time.
"Okay thank you."

Emery looks so much like mom it's scary. She has the black hair and stormy grey eyes. She's pretty tall, and is super smart and athletic.

Ashton is a little different case. He is smart but he's more of the nerdy side. He likes video games and would rather be inside than out. He's super sweet but can be quite the prankster. He looks just like his sister and mom.

Poor dad, no one looks like him. I'm the closest one and it's only because I have green eyes since my eyes changed color when I turned eleven. My once blonde hair is now brown. I don't know what happened but it just ended up like this I guess.

"Hey mom, dad. You guys were right. I don't want to go to human school anymore."
"December what are you talking about? It's all you ever wanted to do." Dad said with pure astonishment.
"Dad I know but I had this dream and I don't want to go to human school. Mom think about it, what if Alpha school trained me better for Luna than what I'm doing right now?"
"Snow don't fall for that trick, you know she's only saying that to get to go."
"Dakota I love you, but shut up. December what was this dream?"
"I don't know I think the Moon Goddess sent it. But I feel this pull that's so strong I have to go."
"Dear listen if it's because of that test grade, the school called and the answer key reader misread your test. You got a one hundred so you're still top in your class."
"Mom I don't care about that, I want to go to this school. I'll meet the other future Alphas and what if I make a lot of alliances there?"
"Look let me think about it, but you better be on your best behavior."

She's actually considering it! I might get to go to the most prestige school in the entire country, the school that separates the strong from the weak, smart from the stupid. I might get to go to Alpha Academy!!

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