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Coal's Point of View

She got up and left and this didn't settle right with me. I know she's hurting and is probably thinking I am a rogue I don't need him. But she is more wrong than ever..... I know that if my parents were annihalated by stupid hunters I would want her comfort. I decided that I am not going to let her stop me from being the good mate I intend to be. If she wants to push me away a thousand times that's fine but I am never going to give up on her. 

When I walked up the grand stair case I smelled someone very unfamiliar. But even worse I smelled December's fear growing the longer the stranger was there. She tried to sound bold and confident but you could hear her voice faltering. His smell grew stronger and I knew he wasn't a wolf. But he wasn't human either, that meant only one thing. He's a hunter. 

"Oh deary. How foolish are you? Who do you think let me in?" I wanted to scream for her to run but I couldn't. I knew his voice all too well. He was the most dangerous hunter the werewolf kind has ever experienced. He killed Luna Snow meaning he is also very skilled and intelligent. 

"Leave me alone James. I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault that I am a werewolf just like it's not my fault that my real parents ate your wife! For she tried to freaking kill us!" Wait what? December's parents ate a hunters wife?

"You shouldn't have said that little girl. I am now going to kill your entire pack and make you watch."

"It's too late. I already messaged them to get out of here because there's a hunter."

"A pack would never leave their leader."

"Well it's a good thing we aren't a pack then." December lunged at him. But he was more than ready for it. 

They fought and fought while I couldn't move. I tried but it was as though there was some forcefield blocking me out. When I took a step it burned and ached as though it was on fire. I reached my hand out and that's when I saw it. The evil genius had put a silver forcefield to block out anyone who tried to rescue her. But that's not the only problem. If we can't get in without being burned, she can't get out unless she kills him......


December's Point of View

I fought him for what felt like hours but was only minutes. Mom always taught me to not let them see your weakness or it will only make them stronger. He stabbed me several times with silver knives and stakes. I saw his gun under his pant leg waiting to be used. That's how he probably planned on killing me. Something quick until I had to open my big fat mouth about his dead wife. 

I was backed up against the wall when I suddenly realized there was no where I could go. I knew about the forcefield for all hunters create it whenever they're trying to kill a wolf. But what I didn't expect is Coal to be trying to break it down. I don't think James sees him or knows he is there because James probably would've said something or killed him already. 

"James just let me go. I didn't mean to say that. I am just a young foolish kid who doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut."

"December you know that I can't do that. The leaders are starting to get suspicous of why I haven't killed in a really long time and if they find out..." That was my moment, mom always had matches in the wall just in case of a hunter. That was mom, always three steps ahead. 

I lit the match and threw it on him, he weakened making the forcefield weaken. I ran through it barely getting burned. I grabbed Coal's hand and we ran for dear life. Coal shifted and grabbed me onto his back. I wasn't lying I had told everyone to clear out because of James and I didn't see or smell any of them there. 

James caught up to us with his inhuman like speed and grabbed Coal by his snout. He threw Coal which caused me to fly back into a tree. I had two more matches, but it didn't matter without the uranium I wouldn't be able to fend him much longer. Here goes nothing...

Coal can you hear me?

December is that you?

Yes. Go to the shed a hundred yards from here and get the uranium. It's under the rug, in the ground. You don't have to dig just open the latch.

Okay, I will be back soon. 

I fought James harder and harder throwing the fire at him when I had the best opportunity. But this man is nearly impossible to kill. He threw a silver spur at me which sliced my arm to the bone. He threw another one but this time at my face. I fell to the ground waiting for my death as he towered over me pulling out his gun. I closed my eyes knowing it was about to be the end when all of the sudden James fell on top of me with a spear in his heart. The spear broke through my ribs causing me to have the hardest time breathing. 

"December? Baby are you okay?" That's the last I remember before blacking out. 

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