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*December's Wolf Above* -Yes that is a wolf, though it looks like a fox. They are known as the Ethopian Wolf.

December's Point of View

Shifting wasn't too difficult, it was painful but the pain was brief. A lot of werewolf books try to insinuate that the shift is this excruciating pain that can last for hours or even days but thats not true. The pain was about fifteen minutes and whenever I looked down I saw a beautiful auburn red wolf. The wolf was so red that she had a purple tint to her coat. Diamond is her name and she's very insistent on meeting Dakota, Coal's wolf.

"Hi Diamond, can I speak to December please? I need to tell her some things about what to expect now that she has shifted and now that she can take over my pack with me." Coal asked.

Why can't I just talk to Dakota?

"Because there are more important matters than things that can be done at any point in our lives."

But the same thing could be said about you. Do you really have to talk about pack stuff NOW???

"Yes Diamond, because the pack needs me back. And I need them to meet her as soon as possible."

This is crap. I just want to meet my mate for the first time and you won't even give me that.

"Diamond, now please." He gave her a stare that made me want to melt.

I shifted back which made everything a lot easier, the shifting back was uncomfortable but wasn't too painful. Coal being here has made everything a lot easier for me. And he also guarded the door so none of the doctors or others would come in.

"So December, since you have now shifted, we should go over all Pack matters."

"What do you mean? I have mine and you have yours, all we have to do is merge them."

"I wish it was that simple. But it's not because you have to meet my parents, I have to meet yo-" He cut off quickly after realizing the awkwardness that was hanging in the air. He was about to apologize but I stopped him.

"Don't worry Coal. So what else do we have to do?"

"I was thinking that once you are released, we could go meet my folks. Grabbing the twins first of course."

I looked at him with pure awe and love. This boy was always thinking of me first and never himself. He didn't have to grab the twins, he could've just brought them back to the Rogues and made them the Rogues problems.

"You know you're a lot different than I thought you were going to be Coal. I honestly thought we were going to have that overly dramatic he's a jerk Alpha, who doesn't understand me and tries to control every aspect of my life. But instead you've become sweet, caring and realizing I'm a big girl." His laughter startled me, I guess it's because of how childish I looked when I said big girl.

"You know December I wasn't planning on being the sweet mate you think I am. My father to my mother was very possessive and wouldn't let her anywhere out of his sight. To the point, where her ladies group had a huge trip to Rome a couple of summers ago and he wouldn't let her go unless he went too. Now my father has taken her to Rome countless times, but he doesn't let her go by herself."

"Well that's not okay."

"I know, but that's just how my father is. But you, you changed my perspective. Beating up a pack mate like she was a twig. Beating up guys who are three times your size, and even when you were supposed to be dead, you fought and defeated death. December you are just so wonderful and capable, I don't know how to function properly." It was one of those awww moments. But instead a stupid nurse walked in.

"I apologize miss, but we just wanted to give you a check up before we discharge you." Coal looked at me with that you better make it quick face.

As the nurse checked everything, Coal just stood in the doorway and watched. Not taking his eyes off of me for one moment. When she finished with my eyes and ears I saw Coal growing impatient. When she finally left I tried to speak he basically ran across the floor, picked me up and kissed me. Not one of those cliche movie kisses where it's a song comes on and we're making out and the world is spinning. No, it was just a simple, sweet kiss. My first true kiss. Something that made me buckle at the knees and want to just fall in his arms. I don't count the plain incident as our real first kiss.

When he looked down at me he had a huge grin on his face.

"What?" I asked a little self conscious.

"Nothing. You're just so, so, perfect."

"Yes well you aren't too bad yourself bucko."


"I don't know, mom used to call dad that all of the time and it drove him nuts. The twins and I thought it was the funniest thing. Dad would then chase mom around the house and mom would hide and typically let dad find her, if we're all being honest here. And when dad caught her, they would share this long and passionate kiss full of love before dad would turn on her and tickle her until she pleaded for mercy." I smiled back on the moment, not with sadness or grief, just out of love and happiness that my parents had brought the twins and I. But also, the love they brought each other.

I hope Coal and I have that relationship even after our family is born. I know that people would be like duhhh. But I don't want the stereotypical relationship that most mates have. I don't find it romantic to be all possessive and protective when there are some things that a girl has to do for herself. Now of course Coal should be the main provider in our income, of course Coal should pay for our dates majority of the time and should always let me walk first and open my doors. But I have to be able to give back too. Be there for him emotionally and physically when his Alpha duties are rough, always have a clean home for him so he doesn't have one more thing to stress about, never nag at him but rather be honest and open with him. Cook for him and let him enjoy having a mate. I'm not saying that chivalry shouldn't exist in the relationship and I shouldn't give back too, I'm just saying if I want to go to Rome, I should be able to go to Rome.

Sorry if you guys don't agree with my opinion of relationships. I have been with my boyfriend for almost four years and have found that how I described in December's mind of how girls should act, has been the most successful. Also, I believe a girl can do things on her own, but if a man wants to help, let him help. A huge shout out to @crazy_wildchild00 for liking all of my chapters from the first book to now😊😘

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