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Coal's Point of View

We have been in the hospital for three months now. Apparently the silver got in December's bloodstream and she got blood poisoning. Her siblings had their birthdays and turned eight while she is out. I knew she wouldn't want them to miss their birthday when she wasn't waking up anytime soon so I threw them a surprise party with horses and other fun animals I knew they would like. 

"Coal when do you think my sister will wake up?" Ash and I have now gotten closer since our last brawl out and then me saving his sisters life definetely helped. 

"I have no idea bud, but the best thing we can do is continue our day to day lives and wait patiently for her. You know your sister would not be happy if she found out all you did was worry about her." December and her family are very strange, the twins haven't properly grieved their parents death yet and besides asking when their sister is going to wake up it seem as though it doesn't bother them very much. Maybe they are just better at hiding their emotions for an eight year old but they need to let some of it out or else when it does eventually come out it will be a nightmare to clean up.

Emery and Ashton are now attending the Academy's elementary program. They are apart of the Alphas children program and tell me how much they love school all of the time. They come home giggling and telling each other secrets that they think I can't hear. Emery tells me all about her best friend William, who I am pretty sure they are going to be mates. Ashton tells me about all of his girlfriends at school. I look at the kid and don't know what the girls see in him, he is just a dorky kid. 

I looked over at December resting so peacefully. She looked dead, pale skin which to the normal eye one wouldn't notice, but she has definetely lost color. Her hair hasn't been fixed in weeks and her body is beginning to smell. The hospital won't let us move or touch her in fear of the poison spreading. This is the hospital within the Academy so it's werewolf doctors who know what they are doing. The only reason why I am allowed in her room is because I am the future King Alpha. 

A lot of people get it confused about who has a higher rank. Decembers dad or my dad. But what they don't take into account is that my dad is the literal ruler of all werewolves not just a simple pack. Also, her dad gave up his title when he merged with her mom. 

I saw December start to stir and called in the doctors immediately. Her siblings rushed in too. Looking panicked and worried was everyone in the rooms face. She had been ciezing for the last couple of days and the doctors said if it continues the poison will reach her heart and she will die. My wolf doesn't believe the nonsense of her ciezing. He says it's something along the lines of her developing her wolf and it's taking a harder toll on her body. But he isn't the one with a M.D.

-Jee thanks man. Just think about me as a dumb dog huh?

-Well  you do think you know more than a DOCTOR

-You're just all uptight because you miss her. I'm the only one thinking straight.

-You're right Dakota. Thanks for being such a pal.

I shifted whenever I was fifteen. December is seventeen now and still hasn't shifted which is really odd for an Alphas child. The weirdest thing to me is that she looks like neither of her parents. And then for both of them to be such powerful Alphas and her not even show a hint of shifting is almost as though she isn't their daughter at all. I have talked to her siblings, if they knew whether or not the age their parents shifted but they both said they didn't know and shrugged it off. 

They began to check her vital signs and everything looked normal until they were about to put more morphine in her system. She sat up and opened her eyes, but they weren't her beautiful hazel eyes. Rather they were black like a wolves eyes.

"Hey December?" Emery asked a little nervous. December snapped her head the little girl with anger and confusion in her brow.

"I am not December. I am Diamond her wolf. She is going to shift soon, I have tried to fight it but her body is forcing me to. If she is not better in those five days as soon as she shifts we will die. The morphine is only spreading the poison more. Do not give her any more, rather start feeding her through the tubes and get water into her system because she is getting more dehydrated as we speak." Wow my wolf was right, he actually outsmarted the doctors. 

-Duh you idiot. I will always know things whenever it comes to my mate. Now stop letting them kill our mate. 

I instructed the doctors to put food and water in her tubes and to cut the morphine. They looked at me with a lot of concern in their eyes but knew they couldn't disobey me without there being serious consequences. 

"Coal!" December came back to her self and yelled my name out. We all looked at her like she was crazy because we weren't expecting her to recover so fast. 

"Yes baby girl I am here."

"Coal" She started sobbing and reached out for me, no one had to tell me twice. I swiftly walked over to her and picked her and layed in the hospital bed with her in my arms. "Where am I?"

"We are at the Academy hospital. Don't worry your pack is with mine. And everyone is safe, there was no casulties."

"Okay good. What a relief."


December's Point of View

After he fell on top of me I passed out from the pain. I started having dreams that seemed so real I could reach out and touch what I was experiencing. I saw my mother and father and talked to them on numerous occasions. The Moon Goddess came and visited me telling me how proud she was that I stayed and fought for my pack. She said she was having a hard time matching a wolf suitable for my personality. She explained how each wolf is determined whenever we are a baby and the manurisms that we have as a small infant. When she saw me she didn't have any wolf pups that could be suitable for me and that's why it has taken so long for me to shift. She also explained the reason I am alive is because of Coal, which I will now owe him my life for eternity. Whenever I talked to my mom and my dad they wanted me to know that they are proud of me for standing up to their killer and they are even more proud that I went back for the twins rather than grieving on my own. They can't wait to see what I am going to do with my life and though I am not theirs biologically, they are proud to call me their daughter. I also met my wolf Diamond, she is very rough on the edge but is kind at heart. She loves Coal already and can't wait for the final shift. She also loves my siblings because she has seen some of my memories and how happy they make me and wants to be apart of that happiness too. 

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