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I've been a wreck all day, I have broken down at least ten times. Coal is there for me every time but I feel pathetic and week. I feel as if I am crying too much and that I am over doing this.

We got onto my plane and I was greeted by my pilot. He went over everything, from where all the food is to how long the trip is. He told me how sorry he was about my parents and that I am just gonna have to be strong and let the pack in because we are all grieving.

I sat down in the last seat. Coal was looking at everything in the plane. He looked at all the food and snacks and the counters and decided he was moving in with my plane.

"Princess this plane is amazing."

"Thank you, daddy bought it for me and mom had a fit whenever he gave it to me for my thirteenth birthday."

"Oh well the plane is very nice."

"Thank you." I snuggled in my blanket

"Oh so your blanket is warmer and better than me huh?"

"Well kinda. I can move it anywhere I'm cold. You only stay in one spot."

"I am deeply offended." He covered is mouth in a mock position.

"Okay I'm sorry. Come here let me make it up to you." He walked over with a pout on his face. It was so cute he looked like a little boy who didn't get his puppy.

I had fallen asleep in his lap. He was way more comfortable than the blanket. He was warm and squishy but I would never tell him that, he would probably never let me sit in his lap again or he would but he would make me beg every time.



I was standing there in a field, it was tall grass. The grass was like wheat it was tall and itchy. I heard a noise behind me and it sounded like it was coming fast. The creature was definitely larger than me. If my instincts are correct it's a wolf.

I started running but the creature seemed way faster than me. It ran ahead of me and I caught a glimpse. It was a beautiful silver wolf. Only one wolf in the entire universe is that color of silver, and that is the Moon Goddess. She is so large it is unbelievable.

"Don't be afraid December, I am not here to hurt you."

"Is that you Moon Goddess?"

"Yes dear, I need to talk to you about your mate."

"What about him? And is Coal really my mate?"

"Yes dear he really is, but you need to let him take care of you. Especially when you see the twins. Don't push him away."

My dream skipped into another dream, it looked like a vision more than a dream.

I was with the pack and they were all sobbing, my little brothers crying and asking why mommy and daddy aren't coming back and when they will. I had to tell them that they won't ever come back and they only cried more.

Coal was holding me as I was telling the twins this awful news. I turned into his shoulder and he hugged me tighter. I felt comfort and not all that sad.

The dream then switched to the same setting but Coal wasn't there and I looked awful. I looked like someone who hadn't showered in months. My hair was dread like texture and my eyes looked like the life was dragged out of them. The twins tried talking to me for their own comfort but I was such a mess that I couldn't even give them a hug.

The Moon Goddess came back. She looked so sad it almost broke my heart.

"See dear you must let him comfort you. Your pack won't work if you aren't in the best condition. The rogues will go the real rogue way. All this work that your mother put in will go straight down the drain. The Rogue Pack will no longer be existent. Dear do not leave Coal no matter what happens."


When I woke up Coal was asleep under me. The sky was still dark but it was definitely morning. I could feel the plane landing and I think that's why I woke up so quickly. I shook Coal, he wouldn't budge so I decided to do what my mom does to my dad. I kissed his lips, it was just a peck but it still wasn't working so I did it again but this time a little longer.

"You know I wouldn't mind waking up like that ever again. I think that's how you should always wake me up Princess."

"Yea in your dreams, come on let's go."

Little DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now