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December's Point of View:

When we got off the plane the pack was confused as to who the stranger was. Some of the men were growling at Coal and were trying to lunge at him. Others were looking at him with fear as his aura brushed off of him. Coal didn't seem to be too intimidated by all of the Rogues surrounding him, but that doesn't mean he didn't look a little cautious. They all bowed their heads with respect as I walked by each of them. Guess mom wasn't kidding of how soon I was going to be an Alpha.

The guards ushered Coal and I inside to where the twins were. Each of them looking sad and like they hadn't eaten in a while, they also looked sleep deprived. When they saw me their little heads perked up and for a brief second they had a twinkle in their eyes.

"December!" Emery said running up to me. Ashton was too busy noticing Coal and he didn't look happy.
"Who's he?" Ashton snarled. Coal took that moment and stepped in.
"I'm Coal. Your sisters mate." Ashton ran up to Coal and punched him as hard as he could. Considering the height difference Ashton only got Coal in the stomach and considering Ashton isn't very strong yet, Coal didn't even flinch. Ashton went for another punch but I intervened.
"Okay Ash, that's enough."
"December you're letting this thing in our house. You were supposed to come back to help the pack grieve mom and dad. Yet you are selfishly choosing him." I stood astonished by my little brothers outburst. I never thought about how it would look or make the twins feel. Emery didn't look like she disagreed with Ashton which means I am on my own for this one. Coal didn't look happy but it wasn't because of the insults, it's because of how Ashton just spoke to me. He doesn't understand how siblings work, he just sees them as below my rank which means Ashton needs to respect me.

"Ashton I understand you're in a very hard place. But your sister didn't have to come. She could've grieved by herself rather than deciding to be strong for the both of you. She is also your Alpha and my mate. Which makes her a very powerful wolf right now. I want to have a great relationship with you two but you will not disrespect her. Am I understood?" The twins nodded with respect. Emery being the sweet angel she is, came and sat in my lap. Ashton was still staring down Coal with disgust.
I decided to turn on the tv to watch Aladdin with them. Mom would always belt A Whole New World as loud as she could and then dad would sing off key with her. It sounded horrible but the twins and I always loved it and giggled as we held our ears.

Coal didn't stay awake for very long. He fell asleep right as Aladdin was put in prison. I have to admit he's adorable when he's sleeping. Ashton walked out angrily after I put on the movie, guess he wasn't feeling it. Later he saw Coal was sleeping and smiled very creepy. He sat there staring at Coal like prey, watching Coals every move.

"Ash he isn't that bad. I didn't like him at first either. You just got to give him a chance." Ashton rolled his eyes. I looked down and Emery had fallen asleep in my lap. A tear had left its mark down her cheek.

"I can take her upstairs to her room Miss." one of the pack mates said to me. She was one of the older women whose kids had already grown up. She had red hair and green eyes full of sadness, pity made up her face.

"Lucia, you don't need to pity me. I am a big girl now and pity from my pack mates won't help me get over their deaths. But yes please take her."

"Oh yes ma'am of course. I apologize." She bowed her head in respect and grabbed Emery from my arms. All of the commotion woke up Coal, he didn't look very happy at first but when he caught me staring at him he smiled.

"Like what you see beautiful?" He smiled all innocent but I know he was trying to embarrass me.

"Yea yea yea. Listen Coal I know we are supposed to mates and all of that jazz but I honestly don't need you hovering me all of the time. I want to get to know you before we fully commit to this thing."
"I'm glad you said that. Because I don't want to rush this too fast either. But December I'm gonna be completely honest you. I am not going to let you out of my sight even if that means us taking it slow. I am still going to always be there to protect you."
"I have a pack to protect me." I mumbled.
"December you may not understand now but one day you will thank me."

I walked away and went to my room. I know he's just trying to be sweet but he doesn't understand that I'm a rogue and rogues don't need a shadow every where they go. Also I just want to be with my family and pack. I don't need an over protective mate while my time of grief is occurring.
Footsteps followed behind me quickly and at first I thought it was Coal but the scent was unrecognizable. I turned around and there was a stranger in front of me with a wicked grin. He had hair black as midnight, eyes as dark as night and the height of an elephant compared to me.
"Hello December. Do you remember me?" And there it was, the ice cold voice of the man who killed my parents. He'd been hunting me for years but mom was really good at throwing off my scent.
"James, how can I help you?" You could just hear the fear in my voice. James was a hunter, hunters aren't human. They're immortal and are assigned to specific werewolves and cannot move to the next wolf until they've killed the last one they have been assigned to. They don't die from silver or wood, they can't be poisoned, the only way to kill the monsters is through fire and Uranium. Because of it's rarity uranium is nearly impossible to find, most packs in the old days stole it and built their homes from it. Hunters also gathered as much of it as they could making it nearly impossible to find. But mom was smart enough to build her house on a ton of it in case this was to happen.
"You know I killed your first set of parents and then the second set. You know I really do have to kill you now. Wouldn't want the order to find out I killed a new set before the old." If a hunter kills another wolf before the last, their tribe will kill them. I know it's strange that they're so strict about the killings but it's because they gain more strength if they kill in order.
"But my wolves told me it was a whole bunch of hunters. Not just you."
"Oh deary. How foolish are you? Who do you think let me in?"

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